I'm having errors in the tape backup where it appears in the JOB Logs:
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[i]"[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Full backup: BackupSynthesizedStorageToTape failed
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Tape fatal error.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Tape write error
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Exception from server: Reconnectable protocol device was closed.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Tape fatal error.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error BackupSynthesizedStorageToTape failed (Veeam.Backup.Common.CAgentException)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Tape.Core.CTapeBackupWorkflowManager.UnhandledErrorsCheck(ITapeBackupUnitPerformer[] completedPerformers)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Tape.Core.CTapeBackupWorkflowManager.WaitForBackupCompletedWithFirstConcreteExceptionRethrow(CTapeVmBackupTask task, ETapePerformType performType)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Tape.Core.CTapeVbksParallelBackupTaskPerformer.Perform()
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Tape.Core.CTapeBackupTaskPerformerExceptionCatchingDecorator.BackupFiles()
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Tape.Core.CTapeBackupTaskPerformerExceptionCatchingDecorator.Perform(Boolean isFullRun)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Tape fatal error. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Tape write error (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: Error code: 0x0000045d
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: TapeFileWriteStream failed to write 2097152 bytes.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: Cannot append file block to the end of file. File: [\\.\Tape1, pos: 15120337, blockOffset: 67584, size: 396190248448]. Write position: [3741319168].
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: Unable to asynchronously write data block. Block identity: [Data block. Start offset: [3741319168], Length: [2097152], Area ID: [1784].].
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: Processing of asynchronous write requests has failed. Output file: [\\.\Tape1, pos: 15120337, blockOffset: 67584, size: 396190248448].
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: Failed to process conveyored task.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: CTapeRemoteFileBackupClient failed to process client
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: TapeRemoteFileTransport failed to backup file.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: TapeFileWriter backup file data to tape failed.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Exception from server: Reconnectable protocol device was closed. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++: Failed to read data from throttled device.
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error in c++ event: ClientErrorEvt
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CClientAgentProtocol.WaitUntilWorking(Int32 timeout)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CClientAgentProtocol.DoAgentCommand(String command, String logCommand, Boolean doWait, Nullable`1 outputLogLevel)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CClientAgentProtocol.BackupSrvSynthesizedStorageToTape(String srvStoragePath, String tapeStoragePath, Int32 errHandlingType)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CBackupClient.BackupSrvSynthesizedStorageToTape(String srvStoragePath, String tapeStoragePath, Int32 errHandlingType)
[17.03.2018 00:39:56] <09> Error Processing full backup of 1_Backup Sistemas_1_N"[/i]
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i]"[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning [TapeBackupRepositoryAgentStarter] Storage BRSPO1IAP29.vm-150D2018-03-19T021038_fd009899-1628-4987-8c21-81615d306af3.vsb:02fe0a5a-c004-4faf-8d9a-c79e17c73d41:23/03/2018 16:57:59:23/03/2018 16:57:59 is unavailable for some reason
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning Invoke failed. Agent: '071c1a5f-ae22-4c51-bfea-5a277e4f77c7', Command: 'FileSystem.FileSize', parameters: {(EString) Path=1_Backup_Production_2|BRSPO1IAP29.vm-150D2018-03-19T021038_fd009899-1628-4987-8c21-81615d306af3.vsb; (EBoolean) Option.Remote=false; } (Veeam.Backup.Common.CAgentException)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CBackupClient.OnInvokeError(Exception e, String command, CVcpCommandArgs inArgs)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CBackupClient.Invoke(String command, CVcpCommandArgs inArgs, Boolean noLog)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CBackupClient.FileSystemFileSize(String path, Boolean onRemoteServer)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning em Veeam.Tape.Core.CTapeBackupRepositoryAgentStarter.IsStorageAvailable(CStorage storage, IBackupRepositoryClient backupRepositoryClient, EType repositoryType)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning A sintaxe do nome do arquivo, do nome do diretório ou do rótulo do volume está incorreta (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning Failed to open file [1_Backup_Production_2|BRSPO1IAP29.vm-150D2018-03-19T021038_fd009899-1628-4987-8c21-81615d306af3.vsb] in readonly mode (without cache). (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning in c++: Error code: 0x0000007b
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning Agent failed to process method {FileSystem.FileSize}. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CClientAgentProtocol.Invoke(String command, CVcpCommandArgs inArgs, Boolean noLog, Boolean agentNoLog)
[23.03.2018 17:57:32] <31> Warning em Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CBackupClient.Invoke(String command, CVcpCommandArgs inArgs, Boolean noLog)
[23.03.2018 17:57:40] <31> Warning Last used crypto spec for backup '1_Backup_Production_2:68b8d796-cc13-4199-a3aa-b556b3a8bf38' is null
[23.03.2018 12:16:37] <24> Error [CTapeChainBackupUnit][Full:vm:BRSPO1IAP29] Cancellation required
[23.03.2018 12:16:37] <24> Error A operação foi cancelada. (System.OperationCanceledException)
[23.03.2018 12:16:37] <24> Error em System.Threading.CancellationToken.ThrowOperationCanceledException()
[23.03.2018 12:16:37] <24> Error em Veeam.Tape.Core.CTapeTaskCancellationInfo.ThrowIfCancellationRequested()
[23.03.2018 12:16:37] <24> Error em Veeam.Tape.Core.ResourceOwners.CTapeChainBackupUnitPerformer.PerformVbkBackup(ITapeBackupResource leasedResources)
I already have no way to go ... and Veeam Support (Case 02681431) did not have a solution!
Disk Backup Job runs always successfully.
Tape Backup Job has already been redone and the error persists.
Has anyone had this?