Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Freddy Neuhaus

How to calculate if a sourcefile has to been written to tape

Post by FreddyN »

Hi there

I need to know how Veeam, more precisely a GFS tape job, proceeds when he checks which files(regarding creation of the file. I know from the backupcopy job that they include the interval to determine this) are to be written on tape.
I have found https://helpcenter.veeam.com/archive/ba ... e_hiw.html, but this does not explain what we see in our GFS-jobs
Our backup runs like this
Backupjob(daily) -> BC-job(daily, 4weekly RP, 12monthly RP) -> GFS(weekly, 4weekly RP, 12 monthly RP)
Tape job is configured to create the monthly on the same day as a weekly -> for example: weekly every Monday, monthly every first Monday of a month
If the monthly tape job starts, we can see in the log:
- that a Backup file for the weekly media set is found, but for the monthly no GFS-Candidate is found. Then the Tapejob waits for serval ours to find an existing file(like 3 days old)
- 2 different files(lets say the first Monday is the 6.12: it stores a file from 02.12. for monthly and 4.12. for weekly) for the same server

Best Regards
Dima P.
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Re: How to calculate if a sourcefile has to been written to tape

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Freddy,

GFS tape job starts at the scheduled day, checks if restore point has already been created for the set day (if not - await for the latest restore point till the end of the set day), then we either synthesize full backup (if source restore point for the date is incremental) or write full backup as is.

You can check the backups on tape via email report, tape media properties or under Home node > Tapes.

Hope it helps!
Posts: 15
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Joined: Jul 28, 2020 11:35 am
Full Name: Freddy Neuhaus

Re: How to calculate if a sourcefile has to been written to tape

Post by FreddyN »

Hi Dima

what you say is what i read in the HelpCenter, but it can not explain what I in my sessions:

GFS Tapejob has a BC as source. In this BC is only one server. The BC runs at a 24 hours interval (This job has incremental files from 10.8. till 5.8. and the full backup for 4.8. 2.8/26.7./19.7.(weekly)
Tapejob is creating weekly and monthly at the same session.
For the weekly media set a backup file from 10.august (2days old) is selected but for the monthly media set a backup file from 27.july (more than 14 days)
it also reports for the weekly it reports a waiting time of 47 hours. later I can read "no restore point for 10.8. is available for virtual full using previous RP from 4.8."
next line "no restore point for 3.8. is available....using 2.8." (what is correct as we no more have a file from 3.8. in BC)
next line "2020-08-02...vbk will be placed into the weekly media set"

We see, that the tape job selects two different files. Why?
Why is he waiting 47 hours just to take an older file (No, BC was not locking the file)

Hope you understand me better now :)

Best regards
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