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Include or exclude files or folders

Post by ingo.trenkler »

it is possible to include or exclude files or folders, when I back up "Files to Tape" or "File to Files" with Veeam Backup & Replication (
14.08.2015 08:56:56 :: Task \\Ca\c$\backup\var\spool\clientmqueue\sm-client.pid completed with warning. Details: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei zugreifen, da ein anderer Prozess einen Teil der Datei gesperrt hat. Error code: 33
Failed to read data from the file [\\Ca\c$\backup\var\spool\clientmqueue\sm-client.pid].
Read operation has failed. File: [\\Ca\c$\backup\var\spool\clientmqueue\sm-client.pid]. Size of data: [53].
Unable to read file block. File: [\\Ca\c$\backup\var\spool\clientmqueue\sm-client.pid]. Offset: [0].
How can I disable this warning with excluding this file?

Thanks for our help!
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Re: Include or exclude files or folders

Post by veremin »

What about usage of file mask, using which you define extensions or names of files to be copied? Isn't that what you're looking for?
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Re: Include or exclude files or folders

Post by ingo.trenkler »

In the Edit File to Tape Job window --> Files an Folders --> File or folder \\ca\c$\backup Server This server File mask *.*

I had used ntbackup before Veeam Backup & Replication and with ntbackup it was possible to definde a tree like \\ca\c$\backup\. Files or folder could be exclude with \\CA\C$\backup\var\spool\clientmqueue\sm-client.pid /Exclude

Give it this option in Backup & Replication too?
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Re: Include or exclude files or folders

Post by veremin »

Currently, we don't have this option implemented.

However, your voice is counted. Just so you know - we've got similar requests already, so, thank you for the feedback.

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Re: Include or exclude files or folders

Post by ingo.trenkler »

At first: The similar request use the obsolete function Add-VBRTapeFilesJob. I have witten a powershell script with the new function Add-VBRFileToTapeJob.

Code: Select all

Add-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapIn -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$CreateJob = 0
$JobName = "test"
$MediaPool = "Media Pool - Daily"

if($CreateJob -eq 0)
        $JobID = Get-VBRTapeJob -Name $JobName
$ThisServer = Get-VBRServer -Name "This server"
$WindowsCredentials = Get-VBRCredentials -Name "DOMAIN\Administrator"
$ToSave = @()

$Share = "\\ca\c$\backup"

$Items = Get-ChildItem -Path $Share
foreach ( $Element in $Items)
        $Path = Join-Path $Share $Element
        if((Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container))
                $ToSave += New-VBRFileToTapeObject -Server $ThisServer -Path $Path -IncludeMask "*.*" -Credentials $WindowsCredentials
        elseif((Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf))
                $ToSave += New-VBRFileToTapeObject -Server $ThisServer -Path $Path -Credentials $WindowsCredentials

if($CreateJob -eq 1)
        Add-VBRFileToTapeJob -FullBackupMediaPool $MediaPool -Name $JobName -IncrementalBackupMediaPool $MediaPool -Object $ToSave -UseHardwareCompression -UseVSS
elseif($CreateJob -eq 0)
        Set-VBRFileToTapeJob  -FullBackupMediaPool $MediaPool -Job $JobID -IncrementalBackupMediaPool $MediaPool -Object $ToSave -UseHardwareCompression -UseVSS
I am seeing with this script no possibility to exclude a file or folder which is not in the root of tree.

I wants to exclude only the file \\ca\c$\backup\var\spool\clientmqueue\sm-client.pid under the tree \\ca\c$\backup.

I am looking for a feature like this http://helpcenter.veeam.com/endpoint/11 ... lders.html.
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Re: Include or exclude files or folders

Post by veremin »

In order to achieve that the script should be changed in a bit inelegant way. It should search through the said directory and its child subdirectories, and include all files, but one. Thanks.
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Re: Include or exclude files or folders

Post by ingo.trenkler »

I am not knowledge what is clever - to program this feature or make a Job of over 600000 objects in 60000 folders in order to exculde 40 objects?

I think a complied program is efficiencly as a script.

That is no way for me.
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Re: Include or exclude files or folders

Post by veremin »

That's just a workaround I was talking about. Not an elegant one, indeed.

Though, the programmed feature itself is still on our radar.

So, thank you for the feedback; appreciated.
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