Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Meaning of "because it is created in non GFS date"

Post by barrett27 »

recently we had some problem with a GFS copy to tape job because issues while reading from the repository during the creation of the virtual full.
The problem has been solved starting a new backup chain, but when today I started the tape job it showed "No backup files found" message

From the log file I see that the backups are skipped because two reasons:
1. Because it has creation time less then min date allowed
2. Because it is created in non GFS date

While I can understand the first reason (the min date is equal to the date the job was updated and the backups skipped are older the min date), I can't understand the second one.

The source backup job is configured with GFS to keep a weekly full for 2 weeks, and the full of yesterday has been skipped because the non GFS date reason.

Thank you

Dima P.
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Re: Meaning of "because it is created in non GFS date"

Post by Dima P. »

Hello barrett27,

Are you sure that source job created at least one restore point since the job has been recreated / backup to tape job has been reconfigured? Thank you!
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Re: Meaning of "because it is created in non GFS date"

Post by david.domask »

https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... fs&ver=120

@barrett27, check the information box here. Tape GFS isn't concerned with the source job GFS schedule, it only cares about its own.

Give a read through the How it Works section of Tape GFS: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... fs&ver=120

Basically, the tape GFS job checks the backups on disk, checks the Tape GFS job schedule (https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120), and if today is a GFS day, it will try to find a candidate for Tape GFS from the restore points on disk that meet the GFS periods that need to be created.

So source GFS is never a consideration for whether there's a GFS point made on Tape, it's just about "should [the gfs tape job] make a GFS point on tape for today?"
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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Re: Meaning of "because it is created in non GFS date"

Post by barrett27 »

Are you sure that source job created at least one restore point since the job has been recreated / backup to tape job has been reconfigured? Thank you!
Yes I'm sure.
The tape job started again the 2th january according to his schedule (first tuesday of month) but fortunately in this case it started the copy to tape using the incremental of the day before as expected

Thank you for the clarification, but I still don't understand which date is referring the message "Because it is created in non GFS date" and where it is configured.
Veeam Software
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Re: Meaning of "because it is created in non GFS date"

Post by david.domask »

It's configured on your GFS media pool settings.

Howerver, I think that if it's not right away clear on the misconfig for you, don't worry and open a support case. Export logs as per kb https://veeam.com/kb1832 and use the 1st radio option and select the affected tape job.

Upload those logs to the case and please post the case number here when you have it.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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