I don't have that. I just have "Unrecognized", "Media Pool 1", and the pool I created for the majority of my jobs. In that last pool, I have tapes that are empty, with free space. But my tape job (which uses this tape pool) is stuck at "Waiting tape". And I am led to understand what it wants is a tape from the "Free" media pool, which I don't have. (I don't understand why it doesn't want a tape from the pool that the job is set for, but we'll get to that later).
So ... the docs say this "Free" pool is a service pool, automatically created by Veeam, and I can't delete it. So either my Veeam didn't create it, or I can delete it, because I definitely don't have any pool like that.

So how do I resolve this, so my jobs get blank tapes when they need to continue writing to another tape? Can I make a Free pool, and move tapes from my custom pool name to it?