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Missing Free Media Pool - can I just create it?

Post by MikeLeone »

Veeam v11.0.1. I am having issues with tape jobs, and after investigation, it seems I have no media pool called "Free". My understanding is that this is the pool that jobs will load new blank tapes from, in order to finish tape jobs. Is that correct?

I don't have that. I just have "Unrecognized", "Media Pool 1", and the pool I created for the majority of my jobs. In that last pool, I have tapes that are empty, with free space. But my tape job (which uses this tape pool) is stuck at "Waiting tape". And I am led to understand what it wants is a tape from the "Free" media pool, which I don't have. (I don't understand why it doesn't want a tape from the pool that the job is set for, but we'll get to that later).

So ... the docs say this "Free" pool is a service pool, automatically created by Veeam, and I can't delete it. So either my Veeam didn't create it, or I can delete it, because I definitely don't have any pool like that. :-) https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120

So how do I resolve this, so my jobs get blank tapes when they need to continue writing to another tape? Can I make a Free pool, and move tapes from my custom pool name to it?

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Re: Missing Free Media Pool - can I just create it?

Post by Mildur »

Hello Michael

Please try to move them to the free media pool:
1. Inventory tape: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/jp/docs/ba ... ml?ver=110
2. Move Tape to Free: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120

That should make the "free media pool" visible.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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Full Name: Michael Leone

Re: Missing Free Media Pool - can I just create it?

Post by MikeLeone »

Thanks, found that out today. I had no "Free" media pool. I did mark the tapes as "free". However, what I hadn't done was "Move to Free" - which I thought I couldn't do, because there was no target pool called "Free". However, turns out, when you say "Move to Free", and "Free" doesn't exist, it just creates it for you. :-) Docs say "Free" is a system pool, and not able to be deleted (which I then assumed mean I couldn't just create it like a normal pool, either). Turns out, I either never had one, or you can delete it ... and if you don't have one, you can just move a tape to that non-existent pool, and it creates it for you. LOL

So I think I am good now - I have my Free pool, and my pool with the name I want it to have. And so we'll see ...

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