Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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New media set creation

Post by adam900331 »


I have a standard media pool, the retention setting is: "Do not create, always continue using current media set". Yesterday the all free tapes sold out, today I added a new tap to the media pool and started the tape job. I recignozed, that the new Media Set created. Why created new media set? The retetnion setting is: Do not create...

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Re: New media set creation

Post by david.domask »

Hi @adam900331

https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120

Check the exceptions on the bottom and see if the situations apply. Without knowing more on your tape hardware setup (is there a changer or it's a standalone drive?) and the behavior of the job, it will be very difficult to say what happened.

If you want to try your hand at log-diving, go to the Tape job's folder and open the Job.*.log file. Find the start of the log on the day it created the new media set and click on the first line of that run; then search for the term "mediapool" (all one word just like that); this will jump you immediately to the tape selection and media set analysis, and you can read line by line why a new media set was needed.

However, this is something Veeam Support should and can do quickly, so feel free to open a support case and share logs from that job: https://veeam.com/kb1832. Use the first radio option, select the job in question, and once the export completes, upload the logs to the case.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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