Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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mark denton
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No GFS candidate for Weekly media set was found.

Post by mark denton »

Source job succeeds > Starts 20th May 21:30 finishes 21st May 00:11:04
Tape copy job starts OK 21st May 00:00:08 - due to issue with T-library I cancelled the job.
T-Library sorted. Running Tape copy job manually gets me "No GFS candidate for Weekly media set was found. "

I just want to run the job again. How do I achieve this ?
Have I actually been backing up the correct job (i.e. Sunday's backup) if this does not finish until a few minutes into Sunday anyway.. have I actually been backing up Saturday's job.
If so I cannot move the source job forward because the applications aren't ready (in which case I could split the job up to create required parallelism).
Just can't figure why I can't get the Job that finishes early this morning onto tape without creating a new job/schedule.. which will make the whole thing pointless. it needs to be under the main job for future reference.
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Re: No GFS candidate for Weekly media set was found.

Post by lyapkost »

Hi Mark. What is your tape GFS job's weekly schedule? Did you by any chance disable and enable GFS job when the issue with library occured (or just stopped)?
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