Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Query on how backup to tape functions?

Post by stevetNOVUS »

We are running v12.1.1.56 of VBR
We have two hardened repositories (REP1 & REP2) in two different locations
We have multiple backup jobs targeting VMs which write to REP1
We have multiple backup jobs targeting File Shares which write to REP1
We then have matching backup copy jobs which copy ALL the VMs and File Shares from REP1 to REP2
This is working as expected and is reliable

We have a requirement to run a 'Backup to Tape' of the File Share data once a month.
I have created a Backup to Tape job which uses the secondary disk copy (REP2) as its source and ONLY targets the File Share Backup Copy Jobs as the source

The issue I am experiencing is that when the backup to tape job is running, it is preventing ALL backup copy jobs from running from REP1 to REP2.
It appears that the Backup to Tape Job is using all of the task slots associated with the REP2

REP2 has 18 task slots available

I would have hoped that each backup to tape job would have used 1 task slot from the repository
The tape library has 2 drives, so I would expect it to use 2 task slots in total, leaving 16 free for other backup tasks to occur

Is my logic correct?
Does anyone know how many 'task slots' the Tape Job will consume during its processing?

I'm happy for the BCJ of the File Shares jobs to be blocked while the tape backup is running BUT still need the BCJ of the VMs to be able tu run successfully
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Re: Query on how backup to tape functions?

Post by david.domask »

Hi steventNOVUS,

I don't think this is about task slots, at least it shouldn't be; the Unstructured Data Backup to tape function works by reading from the unstructured data backup directly and placing the files in their native format on tape, so shouldn't be requiring a significant amount of tasks, certainly not enough to stop the Backup Copies of machines. To confirm, are there are informational or warning messages for the other Backup Copies which tells that it's waiting for resource: Backup Repository or something like that? That would indicate what you're suspecting, but seems a bit off to me.

If the issue reproduced recently, may I ask you to please open a Support case and include logs from the Backup Copy and Tape jobs for Veeam Support to review? Use the 1st radio option when exporting logs and ctrl+click to select the jobs in question.

Support can check the logs on the Backup Copies that were delayed and understand why they weren't starting data transfers.

Please share the case number here after creating it.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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