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Question on VBR v12 File-to-Tape Jobs & VUL licenses per 500gb of data (for VBO repositories)

Post by cerberus »


Hoping someone can answer this for me, we use VBR 11 today (socket license) and we also license Veeam Office 365 (VBO) to backup Exchange Online/Teams to disk.

I use VBR's File to Tape Backup (F2T) job to offload the VBO repository to tape, air gapped backups; works great.

In reading some forum posts related to V12 changes to F2T: tape-f29/v12-tape-costs-t80842.html

Dima P states "In v12 license will be required only for file to tape job, secondary jobs traditionally do not consume license (since your backup has already been licensed during primary backup), so backup to tape remains as it is today."

In our scenario, VBO is used to backup Office 365 and VBR F2T job is used to off-load to tape, would this be considered "secondary job" where we would not require VUL licenses for the F2T job?

Or because VBO is a completely separate Veeam product, and although we license/pay for it - if we are to continue to use File-To-Tape to "offload" the repository to tape, we would get hit by the consumption-based licensing changes for this job type?

Unfortunately, today VBR and VBO do not integrate together to offloaded to tape natively after a backup run.

Hoping that someone from Veeam can confirm.
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Re: Question on VBR v12 File-to-Tape Jobs & VUL licenses per 500gb of data (for VBO repositories)

Post by HannesK »

VBO is used to backup Office 365 and VBR F2T job is used to off-load to tape
how do back up the VB365 machine? VM / agent-based backup to disk and then to tape? That would be vib / vbk files and considered as "secondary job"

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Re: Question on VBR v12 File-to-Tape Jobs & VUL licenses per 500gb of data (for VBO repositories)

Post by cerberus »

There is no VM or agent level backup of VBO365.

VBR and VBO are installed on the same physical machine. VBO backs data up to a repository on disk. VBR's File-To-Tape job points to this repository, and offloads to tape.

In this case, I don't think it would be considered a "secondary backup" and thus the consumption-based licensing would apply, for using F2T in v12, I think?
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Re: Question on VBR v12 File-to-Tape Jobs & VUL licenses per 500gb of data (for VBO repositories)

Post by HannesK » 1 person likes this post

the file to tape job is supposed to ignore Veeam file types for licensing. So the expectation is, that ADB files (which are Veeam files) are not counted (we are checking that)
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Re: Question on VBR v12 File-to-Tape Jobs & VUL licenses per 500gb of data (for VBO repositories)

Post by Mildur » 2 people like this post

Hi Mirza

We checked it internally. We can confirm, *.adb files will not consume licenses in File to Tape Jobs.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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Re: Question on VBR v12 File-to-Tape Jobs & VUL licenses per 500gb of data (for VBO repositories)

Post by cerberus »

Perfect, thank you for confirming.
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