Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Re-using Media Random "insert a valid tape issue"

Post by Supraman »

Hello Guys,

I was wondering if anyone else has a problem with reusing a used media with Veeam

The steps that I had taken to try and reuse an HP LTO6 Tape was.
- Ensure the media set for the tape had expired.
- Inventory the tape
- Ran a short erase on the tape.
- I then Mark the tape as free and left it in the correct media pool.
- Next I attempt to run a backup to tape job that corresponds to the same media pool.

When the job starts it prompts the following message.

Code: Select all

Insert a valid tape into the library HP Ultrium 6-SCSI (XXXXX), oldest retained tape: XXXXXXL5, last written tape: XXXXXXL5. This issue has happen to me so far twice and I cant see to figure why.
Now I have tried using long erase and "the insert a valid tape" had also occurred, but it was after two jobs were actually written to a re-use media.
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Re: Re-using Media Random "insert a valid tape issue"

Post by veremin »

May I ask you to open a ticket with our support team and post its number here? The described situation doesn't look expected, and we'd like to investigate it further.

If you're leveraging global media pool, be aware to check whether the given library/drive (the one you're inserting a tape into) is a part of the media pool, and failover is enabled in the media pool settings.

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Re: Re-using Media Random "insert a valid tape issue"

Post by Supraman »

Hello Eremin,

I had a case open on a different issue, but encounter this problem during the troubleshooting of it. Anyways the case that I had open up was 01720269.
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Re: Re-using Media Random "insert a valid tape issue"

Post by wazza11 »

Hello Supraman,

Did you ever get a response to this? I am experiencing the same issue as you describe?
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