Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Restore data from file to tape job

Post by phenton »


we have one file to tape job configured, which backups all data on our physical backupserver. In case of data loss, we would like to restore a full backup.
The user guide says: "When you restore an entire folder from tape, Veeam Backup & Replication restores all files that have ever existed in the folder and been archived to tape."

I opened a support case (ID# 01928022) for that and a workaround was suggested.

"As a workaround, you can create a new database and catalog the required tapes only.

It is not a problem if you want to restore specific files, not folders."

This wouldn’t be the best solution, because after restoring one full backup or folder
1. We cannot see all Files that we backed up anymore
2. We don’t have a view of all tapes for inventory issues

Is there a better workaround or is it available in one of the next versions?

Kind regards
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Re: Restore data from file to tape job

Post by PTide »


Did I get it right - you use File to Tape job to backup data from the physical Veeam Backup & Replication server to Tape? Is it an option for you to use Veeam Endpoint Backup for that purpose?

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