I try to use the new forever incremental backup feature for my VMs but want to backup a daily full to tape. So I configured the "virtual full"-option for every day in the Backup-to-Tape-Job. It works fine nearly every second day. On the other days I see a successful backup with 0,0kb and see the following message in the logfile (example):
Code: Select all
[CTapeSynStorageReplacer] Syntesyzed Full is not created: because no Syn Dates Detected between 28.08.2015 00:00:00 and 27.08.2015 19:57:24 for source job [Server]
[27.08.2015 19:57:25] <01> Info [CTapeSynStorageReplacer] Syntesyzed Full is not created: because no Syn Dates Detected between 28.08.2015 00:00:00 and 27.08.2015 19:57:25 for source job [Server]
[27.08.2015 19:57:25] <01> Info [TapeStorageCandidate] Backup file This server:D:\Veeam\Backup\Server\Server\Server2015-08-19T190103.vbk:5ecafec5-4879-4b31-9653-fd0ec007e1f8:19.08.2015 20:11:51 was already backed up to tape and did not change since then, skipping.
Does anyone have an explanation for that behaviour?
Kind Regards