Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Singel Tape Drive - Appending - Retention

Post by nthelen »

Hello together,

i have one question. We have single tape drives (no libaries) on different veeam location. We make daily backup and want to use a tape to append data on tape and auto override it until a retention or if it becomes full.

Example (Tape 1-5 can also be used on different days; this is only an example):
Tape 1 = monday
Tape 2 = tuesday
Tape 3 = wednesday
Tape 4 = thursday
Tape 5 = friday

Week 1 = Tape 1 (Monday Job Week 1)
Week 2 = Tape 1 (Monday Job Week 1, Monday Job Week 2 (it could not be only a monday job, it could also be=Monday Job Week 1, Tuesday Job Week 2)
Week 3 = Tape 1 (Monday Job Week 1, Monday Job Week 2, Monday Job Week 3)
Week 4 = Tape 1 is full, or Retention reached = Deletion / Override of Tape 1(Monday Job Week 4)

Which option must i set, to get this automated working? When I use New media set and cycling override, it writes only one backup job on tape. I know on libaries this is not a problem, but on single drives.

Thank you very much!

Kind regards
Dima P.
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Re: Singel Tape Drive - Appending - Retention

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Nico,
So you want to use a single tape in your tape device for all pointed backup to tape jobs, is that correct?
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Re: Singel Tape Drive - Appending - Retention

Post by nthelen »

Hello Dima,

we have for example 10 tapes, one tape device and one pointing backup to tape job (job starts after backup to disk). Our site admins put every day one different tape into the device.

For example: Monday -> Tape 1 on Tuesday -> Tape 2

So after monday Job, the tape has enough space for more backup jobs to append and we would use them also for the next weeks, until it is full. I know we can do this with the Option "Do not create, always countinue using current media set", but it will not overwrite it, if it gets full. So is there an Option, to append backup Jobs on tape, and overwrite it until a specified time or if there is not enough space on tape. We want to use all space on tape for backup Jobs, but want also that tape can be automatically overwritten (after time, or if there is not enoug space).

Like Backup Exec i can make 2 Options: Appending Time and Overwrite Time. It appends data until it is full and overwrites them after for example 3 Weeks.

Dima P.
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Re: Singel Tape Drive - Appending - Retention

Post by Dima P. »

Hi Nico,
Now I see, thanks for the detailed explanation. The only workaround for your rotation schema I can advise is to create 7 separate media pools/jobs for every day of the week with the same source. The start time, however, should be strictly defined and tape media should be added manually. The media set option should be set to continue to use existing media set for every media pool and retention is up to you.

Aside from such scenario you could change a rotation schema a bit and use weekly media set’s creation option retention for every day jobs – create one media pool with the desired retention and media set to be created on a weekly basis. Once done a portion of tape media will keep a week of your daily backups before it becomes not appendable
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Re: Singel Tape Drive - Appending - Retention

Post by nthelen »

Hello Dima,

thank you for your Information. Problem in Situation 1: You can only use fullbackup - the most backups on the sites are incremental and full on friday.

Problem in Situation 2: only 1 week can be set on creation time :(. Hope in future Versions, this could be implemented to set the time also for weeks :).

Dima P.
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Re: Singel Tape Drive - Appending - Retention

Post by Dima P. »

Problem in Situation 1: You can only use fullbackup - the most backups on the sites are incremental and full on friday.
The first initial run for a described workaround with 7 media pools would always be a full backup – that’s correct, however all further restore points could be incremental, but a great overcome of tape media isa side effect of such approach.
Problem in Situation 2: only 1 week can be set on creation time :(. Hope in future Versions, this could be implemented to set the time also for weeks :).
And how frequently you would like to create a new media set: every two weeks or, maybe, once a month? Thanks
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Re: Singel Tape Drive - Appending - Retention

Post by nthelen »

The first initial run for a described workaround with 7 media pools would always be a full backup – that’s correct, however all further restore points could be incremental, but a great overcome of tape media isa side effect of such approach.
Yes you are right, but you can not handle this to do a full every friday and incremental on other days. It will do a full backup f.e. on monday and an incremental on the next monday.

And how frequently you would like to create a new media set: every two weeks or, maybe, once a month? Thanks
3-4 weeks (until tape ist full and must be overwriten; f.e. 1000 TB tape -> backup Job 300 GB -> 3 weeks - 900 GB full (3 Jobs) and then override it)
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