Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Joined: May 09, 2019 1:57 pm
Full Name: Joe Borgia

Single Job Backing Up Multiple Drives to Single Tape Drive

Post by borgiaj »

Hello all.

I have a tape job that backs up multiple drives - we'll call them H, I, J, and K. These are relatively large datasets to go directly to tape - maybe 5TB per drive, in size. I have a tape library that has four LTO 6 drives in it. Currently, the job seems to backup each of these drives sequentially to one tape at a time on one drive, leaving the other three drives idle. To speed things up, I'd like all four drives to write at one time. Other than breaking each of these jobs up into individual jobs for each drive, is there a way within one job to force the jobs to write to all four drives at once?

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Re: Single Job Backing Up Multiple Drives to Single Tape Drive

Post by soncscy »

Hey Joe,

Tape parallel processing is either: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=100

1. Tape jobs in parallel
2. Individual backup chains per source job (per-vm chains)

So in your case if each source job is just one VM or a per-backup chain (all backups in one file), then you need 4 tape jobs, one per source job, and just point them all at the same media pool.
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