Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by PenguinSSH »

Hello to all,

Any way to start a GFS tape job through Powershell. It seems that if we use start-vbrjob -job NameOfGFSTapeJob, we receive the following error message in the console: Failed to detect backup files to copy to tape from "Name Of Backup Job"

However, if we start the job manually through the console interface, this works perfectly...

Any suggestions or anybody else have that issue?
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Re: Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by PTide »


Am I understanding it right - you've specified a backup job as a source in your backup to tape job and there backups available to be copied to tape though your backup to tape job throws an error when you try to start it using powershell whereas everything is fine when you start it via GUI? If so then please open a case with support team and post your case id here please.

Thank you.
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Re: Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by PenguinSSH »

Yup that is correct, I was wondering if anybody else saw this. I'll open a support case for this and post back.


Here is the CaseId: 01697522
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Re: Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by veremin »

Have you tried Sync-VBRBackupToTapeJob commandlet, instead? Thanks.
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Re: Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by PenguinSSH »

Hello v.Eremin,

We did indeed found this command but have found that it constantly create VBKs even though the weekly/Monthly exists currently on tape. I don't know if this is expected or not. Maybe we got the syntax wrong though it is quite simple.


From the documentation, it seems to start an active full which is not what we want to do but just to forcefully continue the cycle where the job failed the last time. Since the job fails, it doesn't automatically restart.
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Re: Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by PenguinSSH »

Just wanted to post an update, support can reproduce the issue in their lab. They'll be pursuing this issue internally.
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Re: Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by veremin »

From the documentation, it seems to start an active full which is not what we want to do but just to forcefully continue the cycle where the job failed the last time. Since the job fails, it doesn't automatically restart.
You're right, the said commandlet starts a GFS cycle anew.

The issue with retries not taking place should be investigated closer, so keep working with our support team.

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Re: Starting GFS Tape job with powershell

Post by PenguinSSH » 1 person likes this post

Just an FYI for everybody, support was able to reproduce the issue and have also identified an issue with backup jobs interrupting the GFS tape job. The GFS tape job doesn't retry automatically like it should.
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