Was in the middle of the incremental when I lost power. The status was then
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9:28:32 PM Data error (cyclic redundancy check). Tape positioning error: Tape error: '23' (Data error (cyclic redundancy check).) --tr:Error code: 0x00000017 --tr:TapeStream initialization FAILED --tr:Failed to create MtfStream for read. --tr:Tape writer failed to append session. --tr:Cannot start new tape backup session 'Incremental backup set 4/17/2024 9:05:35 PM' for tape 'Tape0'. --tr:Cannot start new tape backup session 'Incremental backup set 4/17/2024 9:05:35 PM' for tape 'Tape0'. --tr:Client failed to process
9:28:42 PM 0 folders and 0 files backed up
9:28:42 PM Error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check). Tape positioning error: Tape error: '23' (Data error (cyclic redundancy check).) --tr:Error code: 0x00000017 --tr:TapeStream initialization FAILED --tr:Failed to create MtfStream for read. --tr:Tape writer failed to append session. --tr:Cannot start new tape backup session 'Incremental backup set 4/17/2024 9:05:35 PM' for tape 'Tape0'. --tr:Cannot start new tape backup session 'Incremental backup set 4/17/2024 9:05:35 PM' for tape 'Tape0'. --tr:Client failed to
9:28:42 PM Job finished with error at 4/17/2024 9:28:42 PM
1) Can I unretire this tape?
2) If not, if I put in a new tape and start the backup again, will it be smart enough to start over where the data was on tape 6? In other words, 5TB had already been written to this bad tape. If I use a new tape will the data on the bad tape be backed up on the new tape?