Code: Select all
BackupSrvFileToTape failed
Tape fatal error.
Incorrect function.
Tape write error
Tape fatal error.
Code: Select all
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| ERR |Send thread (channel) has failed.
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| >> |Tape fatal error.
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| >> |The I/O bus was reset.
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| >> |Tape write error
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| >> |--tr:TapeFileWriteStream failed to write 1048576 bytes.
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| >> |--tr:Cannot append file block to the end of file. File: [TapeFs://\\.\Tape1|3|1024|Daily-CriticalServers_OldFarm2016-01-01T222802.vbk|2189978743296]. Write position: [384445710336].
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| >> |--tr:Unable to asynchronously write data block. Block identity: [Data block. Start offset: [384445710336], Length: [1048576], Area ID: [366636].].
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 5620> cli| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [5620].
[20.01.2016 13:55:42] < 8616> alg| Stopping processing threads....
My case # is 1419800.
- I've already tried a different tape + erasing the current one (
I also removed HP WBEM Provider v.10 from the server and rebooted
Aslo I added BusyRetryCount & BusyPauseTime regkeys as stated by and rebooted