Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Tape Job schedule Full and Incremental

Post by Stabz »

Hello guys,

I need some help to schedule my tape job.

Entity Configuration settings
Media pool Full and incremental backups use different media pools.
Media pool (retention) Protect data for <desired period>
Media set (retention) Create new media set for every backup session for Full backup and Do not create for Incremental
Source (backup job) Forward incremental backup that runs daily with synthetic full once a week
Tape job Export current media set for full backup , export on specific day for incremental
Scheduling Tape job has been scheduled to run every day after primary backup.

Is there a way to schedule to export the Full backup to tape only once a week ?
Cause with my settings if a new vm is created and backuped during the week, when my tape job runs, the new full backup for this specified vm is copied on a tape alone. So I have an overuse of tape and the management getting too difficult.

Any idea?
Dima P.
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Re: Tape Job schedule Full and Incremental

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Philippe,
Media set (retention) Create new media set for every backup session for Full backup and Do not create for Incremental
You need this one only if you are going to export the media sets. Otherwise media set closure will result in extra free space left at the end of the current tape.
Is there a way to schedule to export the Full backup to tape only once a week ?
Backup to tape mirrors you backup chain on disk in most of the cases. You can 'mimic' you disk job to create the synthetic full at the needed time and tape it out with backup to tape later.
Cause with my settings if a new vm is created and backuped during the week, when my tape job runs, the new full backup for this specified vm is copied on a tape alone.
Disable media set creation for every job session, that should help you to deal with remaining free space on tape :wink:
Veeam Legend
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Re: Tape Job schedule Full and Incremental

Post by Stabz »

Hello Dima,
Thank for your answer, sorry for the delay I was ooto.
You need this one only if you are going to export the media sets. Otherwise media set closure will result in extra free space left at the end of the current tape.
Yes, it's my case, the tapes with the full backup must be exported.
Backup to tape mirrors you backup chain on disk in most of the cases. You can 'mimic' you disk job to create the synthetic full at the needed time and tape it out with backup to tape later.
I agree, but if a new vm is added to a backup job during the week, my tape job will use a tape for full backup during the week, I didn't find a way to force Veeam to do a full only one a week.
Cause with my settings if a new vm is created and backuped during the week, when my tape job runs, the new full backup for this specified vm is copied on a tape alone.
My full to tape must be export at the end of the session.
Dima P.
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Re: Tape Job schedule Full and Incremental

Post by Dima P. »

I agree, but if a new vm is added to a backup job during the week, my tape job will use a tape for full backup during the week, I didn't find a way to force Veeam to do a full only one a week.
Try the GFS media pools instead, there every backup is stored at it's own media set and backup to the media set is performed only at the set time.
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