Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Tape Job Stopped By Backup

Post by lukejf »

Hi Guys
I think it would be a really cool feature if somehow a tape Job can continue to run along side a backup job when using reverse incremental.
Our client requires full backup jobs written to tape every night to meet their DR requirements. We sometimes run into issues that the tape job is still running when an veeam reverse incremental backup kicks off in the morning it kills the tape job. It would be good if the VBK file could remain unchanged until the tape job finishes. I know this may not be possible however i thought it was worth mentioning.
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Re: Tape Job Stopped By Backup

Post by Shestakov »

Hi Luke,
VBR injects copied data blocks into the full backup file to rebuild it to the most recent state of the VM so indeed the last backup file is locked for the tape job. As a workaround you can either switch to the simple incremental mode or change the schedule to split up backup and tape jobs.
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Re: Tape Job Stopped By Backup

Post by mawo »

Hi Luke,
VBR injects copied data blocks into the full backup file to rebuild it to the most recent state of the VM so indeed the last backup file is locked for the tape job. As a workaround you can either switch to the simple incremental mode or change the schedule to split up backup and tape jobs.
Hi Shestakov,

What about Tape jobs running for 3+ days, does it mean we cannot run reverse increments for that period of time? bit silly as other backup products can do that.
Also, with GFS we cannot run parallel jobs, so having more than one drive in the library looks useless.

is there any work around to have both D2D & D2T jobs done?

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Re: Tape Job Stopped By Backup

Post by Shestakov »

mawo wrote:What about Tape jobs running for 3+ days, does it mean we cannot run reverse increments for that period of time? bit silly as other backup products can do that.
is there any work around to have both D2D & D2T jobs done?
If merges are involved, backup files are being locked and can`t be copied to tapes. Work-around is using forward incremental method for primary backup. Another workaround is to split tape jobs to decrease its run time.
And as was said there is going to be an option to postpone source backup job if tape-backup job is not finished.
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