Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Tape jobs should be processed based on start time

Post by JFP »

Simplified summary of issue: Imagine 1 tape drive, 3 jobs to run at 8am, 3 jobs to run at 9am.
1st job take 90 minutes to run for whatever reason.
Now you have 5 jobs that are ready to go to tape.
Common sense would think that the 2 8am jobs would go first since they are first in line, then the 3 9am jobs. However, that's not the case. You may have 9am jobs kick off before the next 8am jobs. Since we have jobs in different media pools, for different sets, this then causes additional delays as the tape needs to be changed by the autoloader, etc.

I worked with Veeam support - case # 04786219.
They said that the tape jobs effectively don't honor the start time if the tape drive is busy and more than 1 job is ready to use the tape.

I got the doc guys to update the note around it for now
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=110

We don't want to combine jobs as was suggested by support. This allows us to easily track jobs completing and needing to be fixed without digging into things (just bad history of issues so 1 server = 1 job in our books).

So, request is to have the scheduling system actually use the start time as would seem logical.

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Re: Tape jobs should be processed based on start time

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums.

I understand your logic and it makes sense, yes. On the other hand: Veeam is built for having multiple VMs in one job. The 1 machine = 1 job only works for very small environments. I can only agree with support to use a job design the software was built for.

If we would change the behavior of the scheduler here, that could influence thousands of customers that are used the the way how it currently works. Changing the scheduler is a relatively "dangerous" operation for our customers and us.

Best regards,
Dima P.
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Re: Tape jobs should be processed based on start time

Post by Dima P. »

Hello JFP,

We've discussed your case with RnD folks and noted an improvement request for next versions. Thank you for your feedback!
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