I have restored files from tape successfully with Veeam but this time I started to restored one ~13TB VM directly from tapes to VSPhere ESX host and after second tape job failed and error message was:
Code: Select all
Error Unloading tape AIY456L6 from Drive 3 (Server: backup, Library: FUJITSU ETERNUS LT S2 5.11, Drive ID: Tape2147483639) to Slot 6 Error: Failed to call RPC function 'UnloadMediumByScsi': [MT]SCSI PASS THROUGH DIRECT ended with Scsi Error Fixed format, current; Sense key: Illegal Request. Additional sense: Medium removal prevented by data transfer element.
Error Restore job failed Error: [backup] [TapeService] Failed to UnloadTapeFromDriveByScsi
I guess this can be fixed with serve reboot but I can do that only on weekend. And I am not sure that it guarantees that next try with restore is successful
I opened the case, #03917859, but thought to ask if anyone here has seen something similar or has any experience with it because first thing which was recommended to me was to apply hardware encryption patch https://www.veeam.com/kb2981 . I don't have that installed and I can install it at weekend but I really doubt that it makes any difference because we don't use encryption, don't have encryption enabled on drives. And the backup from which I tried to restore was done last week with same version of Veeam.