Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Andrew Peplinski

Tape Selection Policy

Post by andrew.peplinski »

I've read a bunch of posts stating that Veeam selects tapes in sequential order by barcode, but I have not found that to be the case. Unfortunately it seems that the selection is completely random (I have 12 tapes in a pool, barcodes LV####, the current file to tape job selected this sequence: LV0006, LV0003, LV0005, LV0004, LV0012, LV0007).

Is there a way to specify that the job should select tapes in order, or a way to "trick" the algorithm in order to select tapes in numerical order? Or another job configuration that will work that way? I'd hate to have to manually add tapes to the pool as the job finishes with the previous tape, but that appears to be the only way to ensure the desired behavior.
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Re: Tape Selection Policy

Post by lyapkost »

Hi Andrew. Since v10 tapes are taken according usage statistics: when there are several free tapes to write, the tape less used in past has a priority. Thus all tapes from a media pool are used roughly the same. However one may set the following registry key on the VBR server to return alphabetic sorting order:

Code: Select all

TapeMediumSortByUsageStatistics = 0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication
Veeam Backup Service needs to be restarted after setting the key.
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Joined: Feb 23, 2021 2:44 pm
Full Name: Andrew Peplinski

Re: Tape Selection Policy

Post by andrew.peplinski » 1 person likes this post

Perfect, thanks! That makes sense, but my obsessive/compulsive tendencies are hard to overcome :).
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