Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Post by dmwynne »

I setup a daily to disk job in forward incremental with synthetic fulls on Saturday.

Full backups weekly, monthly, yearly - fulls done on Saturdays. I have a GFS media pool setup for a tape to run full on saturday.

Incrementals all other days and tapes are in pools for each day so operators know that Mondays tapes in are slots 1 and 2. I have a daily media pool setup for each day ie Monday_Tape, Tuesday_Tape etc.

Sometimes the report from the Daily incremental to Tape Job will have (Full) in parentheses and I am not sure why, for example last nights job's report Backup to Tape job: Tuesday_Appdata_Tape (Full)? I have made changes to the medial pools and/or tape jobs as we are just setting this up so maybe those changes caused a full to run?
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Re: Tape

Post by Shestakov »

it`s hard to say based on the provided description.
I have made changes to the medial pools and/or tape jobs as we are just setting this up...
It should have no impact on the disk backup jobs, so no new backup files should be created because of the mentioned changes.
I am not sure why, for example last nights job's report Backup to Tape job: Tuesday_Appdata_Tape (Full)?
Was a new .vbk file actually written on the tape?
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Re: Tape

Post by dmwynne »

The tapes have the latest vbk's from 2-18 synthetic full plus the incrementals from the 2/19, 2/20, and 2/21.
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Re: Tape

Post by Shestakov »

Looks like the backup set is correct.
And when was the 18th synthetic full written on the tape, yesterday or on Saturday?
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Re: Tape

Post by dmwynne »

It was written to tape starting on Sunday and finished on Monday because a tape was needed and it took me a while before I noticed that and added on so the job could continue.
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Re: Tape

Post by Shestakov »

All right, no issue with this job run as well.
Am I correct then the next tape job run (Tuesday) wrote increments, but showed the wrong notification as it wrote fulls?
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Re: Tape

Post by dmwynne »

Am I correct then the next tape job run (Tuesday) wrote increments, but showed the wrong notification as it wrote fulls?

If I look at the tape from last night it has the full plus increments. My understanding is that the tape will always write the latest full plus any increments but I could be wrong. But you are correct in the notification has the word (full) at the end so I am trying to understand why it does that. Maybe it alwys does in this configuration however when I went back and look at some of the other tape jobs that ran some had the (full) and some did not.
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Re: Tape

Post by Shestakov »

If I look at the tape from last night it has the full plus increments. My understanding is that the tape will always write the latest full plus any increments but I could be wrong.
If full backup is already on the tapes, only new increments will be copied.
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