Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by gonzo99 »

Server 2012 R2
Tape library Quantum Superloader LTO6

I have two tape jobs defined. The first one is a local job writing the VBR backups to tape.
The second one is a file job writing files from a Windows share from another server to tape. These jobs have been running successful for two weeks.

Since yesterday the second job throws a warning telling me that the volume \\server\share has 33 problems. Details: File not found.
There are no special file masks defined in the job definition, only \\server\share\directory\*.*

But I cannot find an explanation of this error, which files are missing? Nothing in the stats or in the reports, only the warning. The job backs up a lot of files and directories, so far it seems to be successful. But the warning remains.

Any idea?
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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by Shestakov »

Could you provide the full text of the warning?
Do you have all the files copied on the tape? You may delete some source files which were included to the with the mask.
If so, try to add the folder to the job or delete and add the rule to reset the history of previously deleted files.
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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by veremin »

The files in given directory are enumerated in the beginning of the tape job. So, the given warning points out that some files have been deleted since the enumeration took place and neither can be found, nor can be archived to tapes.

It's not that uncommon for files shares.

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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by gonzo99 »

The culprit has been found.
The mentioned file tape job No.2 has to back up some directories from the old VBR server, nightly backups from 18 VM's I still haven't found the time to move them to the new server and two directories containing backups from Backup Exec.
So these seemed to be static files, but there's one directory named .\REPLICA containing the replica files from these 18 VM's and the replica jobs are starting at 06:00AM. The .\REPLICA directory was among the last entry of the tape job definitions and so the replicas were starting at the runtime of the tape job.
Now I separated the definitions and put the .\REPLICA dir on the first line and voila, no more errors.

Oh and the message was:

Code: Select all

Volume \\ntsrv02\VEEAM_DATA have 34 problems. Details: File not found.
This is not very meaningful.
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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by Shestakov »

Thanks for updating!
Glad the issue is resolved.
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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by gonzo99 » 1 person likes this post

Me too. :)

But you and your developers should have an eye on the error messages, as I've written they are not very meaningful.
Like me a lot of other users are on the way to replace Backup Exec by VBR and VEB. One can think of BE whatever they want, but the error messages are far more meaningful (Not every message, to be honest, but most) than those of VBR.

If the software tells that there is a problem with files not been found I expect the names of those files, then it is easier to find out where the error is.
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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by Dima P. »


Thanks for the feedback. The reason why we have one cumulative warning instead of the exact direction to the files is pretty simple: usually you get not one file removed but a dozen and you backup log would be spoiled by such warnings which makes it almost unreadable. However, I agree that we need some smart notifications – we will think about it for sure!
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[MERGED] : detail when files are not copied/backup'ed

Post by fv-it »


please provide detailed info (which files/why) when a file-copy/backup to tape fails.
See also Case #01698389

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Re: [Feature-Request] detail when files are not copied/backu

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Friedrich,

Thanks for sharing. To clarify, you would like to get a list of all files directly in the backup session windows even though there might be a hundred of files?
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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by veremin »


Your post has been merged into existing discussion talking about similar requests. Kindly, see explanation provided about for reasons why we provide one generic warning instead of going into details.

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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by fredbloggs »

I'm also finding this difficult. How can we assume that certain files weren't backed up because they were deleted, you get the same thing if they are locked or anything else.

The software is not smart enough to make that decision for us. I realise I can go through the %programdata%\veeam\backup\<jobname>\task.<tape-servername>.log file and find the missing files but I don't want my staff to need to do that (they shouldn't need to log on to the backup server and search this level of detail).

Is it possible to create either a simplified log file stating these files were missed (and why, locked, missing etc.) and have a link or something to view this log if desired?

Keeps the generic summary window small and concise and allows people to view more if desired.
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Re: V9: Tape Job Warning - Missing Files

Post by Dima P. »

Hi fredbloggs,

Thanks for sharing. To be honest, we currently discussing how to display the locked/failed files in the log correctly, so the existing behavior might be changed in the next versions.
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