Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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07300825: Backup to NAS SMB folder failing

Post by Automatik »

I would like to back up the data from my Windows 11 laptop to my network NAS. I tried using the native Backup and Restore (Windows 7) tool within the control panel, but after a while, it gave an error.

Now I have tried another software called Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Free, but this also went into error after copying almost 80 GB out of 1 TB. The relevant logs shown are:

Code: Select all

02/06/2024 16:30:23 :: Acer (C:) (237.4 GB) 82.8 GB read at 18 MB/s  
02/06/2024 17:50:34 :: Error: Shared memory connection was closed. Failed to upload disk. Skipped arguments: \[EmulatedDiskSpec>\]; Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}. Exception from server: Network path not found. Failed to write data to the file \[\\truenas\\my-smb-folder\\Job Laptop-PC\\Job Laptop-PC2024-06-02T162709.vbk\]. Failed to download disk '75019f04-cd75-4722-9fcf-bbcd456e45ca'  
02/06/2024 17:50:34 :: Unable to perform threshold check for location "\\truenas\\my-smb-folder": failed to query backup repository disk space  
02/06/2024 17:50:34 :: Error: Failed to save backup meta to '\\truenas\\my-smb-folder\\Job Laptop-PC\\Job Laptop-PC.vbm'. Network path not found  
02/06/2024 17:50:37 :: Processing finished with errors at 02/06/2024 17:50:37
The laptop was always plugged in, and the connection to the NAS never dropped.
With my other desktop PC, I copied 1.5 TB of data with both software tools and never had any problems.
I suspect that the laptop goes into standby after a few hours (even though the display always stays on and windows is set to never go to suspension) and the connection to the network folder fails.

In addition, I already tried to disable the power saving for the wireless network card and set to "never" the disk suspension when laptop is charging, but without luck.

What could it be? Any help would be much appreciated
Veeam Software
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Re: 07300825: Backup to NAS SMB folder failing

Post by david.domask »

Hi Automatik,

Sorry to hear about the challenges; as the case was opened with a Free edition, Community/Free edition cases are handled on a "best-effort" basis depending on Support availability. If you have a license elsewhere or an Evaluation license, it may be worth opening a case with that if you're demo-ing the products.

For the error, it looks like some data did get sent then the connection dropped. Perhaps you can setup a running ping/Test-NetConnection test to the SMB share while the job runs, as my guess is that probably there is an unrecoverable drop in the connection and the share closes the connection, but hard to say without logs.

Consider such a test, and if no luck, consider adding a license if possible as above and open a Support Case if Support isn't able to assist on the Free edition case.
David Domask | Product Management: Principal Analyst
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