Now I have tried another software called Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Free, but this also went into error after copying almost 80 GB out of 1 TB. The relevant logs shown are:
Code: Select all
02/06/2024 16:30:23 :: Acer (C:) (237.4 GB) 82.8 GB read at 18 MB/s
02/06/2024 17:50:34 :: Error: Shared memory connection was closed. Failed to upload disk. Skipped arguments: \[EmulatedDiskSpec>\]; Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}. Exception from server: Network path not found. Failed to write data to the file \[\\truenas\\my-smb-folder\\Job Laptop-PC\\Job Laptop-PC2024-06-02T162709.vbk\]. Failed to download disk '75019f04-cd75-4722-9fcf-bbcd456e45ca'
02/06/2024 17:50:34 :: Unable to perform threshold check for location "\\truenas\\my-smb-folder": failed to query backup repository disk space
02/06/2024 17:50:34 :: Error: Failed to save backup meta to '\\truenas\\my-smb-folder\\Job Laptop-PC\\Job Laptop-PC.vbm'. Network path not found
02/06/2024 17:50:37 :: Processing finished with errors at 02/06/2024 17:50:37
With my other desktop PC, I copied 1.5 TB of data with both software tools and never had any problems.
I suspect that the laptop goes into standby after a few hours (even though the display always stays on and windows is set to never go to suspension) and the connection to the network folder fails.
In addition, I already tried to disable the power saving for the wireless network card and set to "never" the disk suspension when laptop is charging, but without luck.
What could it be? Any help would be much appreciated