I am very happy with this software. It has met and exceeded my expectations. We protect mission critical endpoints that control high end machinery and it has saved us on more than one occasion. The acronis software was complicated, hard to use, backups and restores were glitchy, and I was always on the phone with support for assistance. Veeam agent for windows just works once it is setup and configured according to best practices.
Anyways, I wanted to poke fun at acronis. See email below. How could they think this was a good idea?
Code: Select all
Dear Oleg,
One simple answer. Veeam Agent For Windows.
From: Oleg Melnikov
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 11:19 PM
To: Peter D. Pappas
Subject: From Acronis CTO: One short question - not using?
Dear Peter,
I’m very passionate about Acronis products and Acronis customers and I’d like to hear about your experience.
I’ve noticed that our records show that you’re not using Acronis Backup.
May ask you just one simple question: what is the reason you’re not using it?
Thank you and I very appreciate your feedback.
Best regards,
Oleg Melnikov | CTO