Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Any way to limit VBK/VIB file size?

Post by dweebee »

Is there anyway to specify a max size for the backup files. EG: If I could specify a 1GB max file size, I would end up with 50 smaller 1GB files instead of getting a single 50GB .vbk when doing the first backup.

The issue I’m running into is that I sync my backup files from a local shared folder to a remote location over the Internet (via Synology DiskStations using Shared Folder Sync). That Internet connection is somewhat slow, and on occasion the connection drops during a sync. When the sync restarts, the file it was syncing must be re-sent in its entirety, not just the unsent portion. With many small backup files, the impact of an interrupted/restarted sync would be much, much less.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Any way to limit VBK/VIB file size?

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Toby,

There is no option to limit the size of the backup file, as it is always created based on the amount of data you backup. As a possible solution you can try to use 3rd party tools (7zip) or configure backup copy jobs with WAN acceleration enabled (via Veeam Backup server) to offload these backup to the offsite location.

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Re: Any way to limit VBK/VIB file size?

Post by ender »

It would be nice if an option to split backups files to n-gigabyte chunks could be added. I'm backing up my workstation to my Linux server, and unfortunately ran into a problem with the jfs filesystem I use there - it becomes extremely slow when writing to very large files (instead of getting 100+MB/s writes, the speed falls to 1-2MB/s).
Dima P.
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Re: Any way to limit VBK/VIB file size?

Post by Dima P. »

Hi ender,

Might be a good reason to investigate the repository configuration :wink:
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