Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Full Name: Maike Laue

Backup Cluster with Storage Spaces (VMWare)

Post by lalaith75 »

Hi folks,

my colleagues asked me to evaluate the possibility to backup (and more important complete restore in the fastest possible way in case of Desaster) a 2 Node Cluster of Windows Server 2016 (might be 2019/22 at times) which has Hard Disks attached made of vmdks.
These Hard Disks are assembled inside Windows via Storage Spaces to be able to increase space by adding smaller portions of Storage Space instead of increasing on big volume.

I already searched literally half of the internet for similar configuration and as time is running out I'd like to ask you, guys if anyone has ever seen this before.
I tortured my PoC trying Backup and restore with Veeam Agent, but I fear that I can't provide my colleagues with the OneClick restore they hope for.

Any Ideas here? What do I miss.

Best regards,
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Re: Backup Cluster with Storage Spaces (VMWare)

Post by Mildur »

Hello Maike

May I ask, what application runs on your cluster? And what do you mean by "One Click" restore?
Is the VMDK disk shared between both VMs?

Agent backups must be restored by our recovery media. Or they can be restored with Instant Recovery back to vSphere.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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