Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Backup when target is connected

Post by lukejf »

Hi Guys
Just wondering if someone can clarify how Backup when target is connected specifically when used with a veeam backup repository on the main veeam server.
I would like to set this up for some of my managers laptops with the following.
-No more than one backup per day
-backup when target is connected (being when veeam endpoint detects it can access the backup repository.
The question i have is how does it detect the repository, Does the machine need to be on the same subnet? The reason I ask is our managers all connect via a vpn when on the road and i wouldn't like the backup to kick off when it detects the veeam server over a vpn connection, as the Veeam server is routable. I can install a firewall on the veeam server, however it is a task i would rather not do if not required.
Dima P.
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Re: Backup when target is connected

Post by Dima P. »

Hi Luke,
The question i have is how does it detect the repository, Does the machine need to be on the same subnet?
It checks the repository is accessible via any connected network and then starts the backup.
The reason I ask is our managers all connect via a vpn when on the road and i wouldn't like the backup to kick off when it detects the veeam server over a vpn connection, as the Veeam server is routable. I can install a firewall on the veeam server, however it is a task i would rather not do if not required.
Can you add there mobile networks to metered connections? There is an option to disable backup when metered connection is used that could give you a hand.
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