Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Can't browse to share on NAS

Post by moggyman »

I use the free edition to backup my office Windows 10 PC to a share on a NAS drive.

This has been working perfectly well for ages but I went to edit my job to check something and found that when I click Browse (regardless of using the NAS' IP or it's AD name) Veeam pops up a dialog stating -

Loading devices....
Last error: The network location cannot be reached.

However, clicking Populate shows the drive stats and I can Map the backup OK.
The domain user account I use to access the share is unlocked and the password is current.
I can browse to that target share in Windows perfectly well both by IP address and the AD name.
I've updated the agent to the latest version - 6.3 - rebooted my PC for good measure but still it won't browse to that share.
Backups DO still work though so it must be able to access the target OK. I just can't browse to it.

Any idea why browsing has stopped working and how to resolve the issue?

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Re: Can't browse to share on NAS

Post by moggyman »

I could have misinterpreted Support's reply (case 07604666) but it looks like they want me to enable SMBv1?

That protocol it flagged as a high security risk and I spent ages removing it from my domain in favour of SMBv3.

Surely the cure for this issue can't be to downgrade client PCs?
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