Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Cannot restore after cancelled backup

Post by 1971merlin »

Scenario: machine with 1 physical rive, partitioned 100Mb system 400Gb C: 500Gb D:

Full Backup job is run, target network share, job completes system and C: drive, but we then cancel the job part way through the D: drive, by pressing cancel in the GUI. Job cancels as requested without error.

The network location now contains a small .VBM file and a large (several hundreds of gigs) .VBK file. Presumably the .VBK file contains a valid full backup of the C: drive.

VEEAM Endpoint Backup's restore function [entire volumes mode] sees the backup job but shows blank under the "last backup" and "restore points" columns - so there is nothing selectable to restore from. Our backup is worthless.

My request is: when cancelling a backup that has completed at least one volume successfully, leave the backup files in such a state that this volume CAN be restored. Otherwise, why leave hundreds of gigs of totally worthless .VBK file behind on disk??

Furthermore, this should allow a future backup job to run as an incremental for that volume, using the completed full backup as the starting point.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Cannot restore after cancelled backup

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Craig,
1971merlin wrote:My request is: when cancelling a backup that has completed at least one volume successfully, leave the backup files in such a state that this volume CAN be restored. Otherwise, why leave hundreds of gigs of totally worthless .VBK file behind on disk??
I believe, this is not very common scenario, but thanks for the feedback.

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