I am trying to use our RMM to create Veeam recovery media with command line. (Kaseya)
When I run the following command manually through a command prompt, it works, and the .iso is generated;
"C:\Program Files\Veeam\Endpoint Backup\Veeam.EndPoint.RecoveryMedia.exe" /createiso /f:c:\VeeamRecoveryMedia.iso
But when using the same command through our RMM, I can see that Veeam.EndPoint.RecoveryMedia.exe /createiso /f:c:\VeeamRecoveryMedia.iso is launched briefly, but closes shortly after, and DISM does not run.
The command is being run as SYSTEM.
the following is shown at the end of the "C:\ProgramData\veeam\endpoint\UI.RecoveryImageWizard.log" file
Code: Select all
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <01> Info Waiting for recovery media creation.
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified. (System.InvalidOperationException)
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl.ThrowIfNotCanonical()
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl.SetQualifiedAce(SecurityIdentifier sid, AceQualifier qualifier, Int32 accessMask, AceFlags flags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType)
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.SetAccess(AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, Int32 accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags)
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity.ModifyAccess(AccessControlModification modification, AccessRule rule, Boolean& modified)
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity.SetAccessRule(AccessRule rule)
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at Veeam.Core.Common.CWinREFilesCollector..ctor(ITaskLog taskLog)
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at Veeam.Core.Common.CWinReCreator..ctor(CWimBuilderOptions options, ITaskLog taskLog, ICancelFlag cancelFlag)
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at Veeam.Endpoint.RecoveryMedia.UI.CRecoveryMediaCreator.CreateImpl()
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Error at Veeam.Endpoint.RecoveryMedia.UI.CRecoveryMediaCreator.CreateProc()
[10.04.2019 17:23:25] <07> Info [TaskLog] 'Failed to create recovery media: This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified.' append, OrdinalId 1, Status EFailed, Desc ''
[10.04.2019 17:23:35] <01> Info Operation failed.
Any suggestions?