Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Feature Request: Allow 2 or more Backup Jobs on Server

Post by togenshi »

I have a file server populated with production and archive data. Using Endpoint, I backup to Veeam B+R repo and then use backup copy onto rotated disks. Since Endpoint only allows one job, I use B+R's File Copy to grab the archive data and then copy it again onto the archival rotated disk.

Is there any way we can request a multiple jobs (I'll be fine ifs its limited to File Level Backup) to backup to a second (B+R) repository so I could utilize the Backup Copy job? It will assist in reliability and automation.

Mike Resseler
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Re: Feature Request: Allow 2 or more Backup Jobs on Server

Post by Mike Resseler »


If I understand correctly, what you want is production data with a specific policy and the archival data with another policy. Is that correct?

It is true that this doesn't work today and I don't know when we are going to support this. But we do take note of it. My question however is if you can't take those archive files in the same policy. I assume that they don't change that often so after the initial full backup, the additional overhead should be very small?

Let us know


Vitaliy S.
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Re: Feature Request: Allow 2 or more Backup Jobs on Server

Post by Vitaliy S. »

There is an existing topic with a similar feature request, please take a look > Feature Request - Multiple Jobs
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Re: Feature Request: Allow 2 or more Backup Jobs on Server

Post by togenshi » 1 person likes this post

No problem. It is a free product and it is proven to be more reliable and easier to restore than Backup Exec for our Windows servers. The issue is that the production and archive cannot fit in the data store on the Veeam B+R server and subsequently the offsite rotated disks. So having 2 policies, 1st policy to go to one data repo and 2nd policy to goto the other. However I do see limitations now that I think about it, mainly to indicate the 2nd policy cannot be used for system restore and dependencies on restore.

Scratch the idea then.

It seems there is a lot of Archive data deemed expendable so I will adjust to suit.
Dima P.
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Re: Feature Request: Allow 2 or more Backup Jobs on Server

Post by Dima P. »


Thanks for the feedback! By the way, since you a backing up to the VBR repository you can use a backup copy job to move Endpoint backups across multiple repositories.
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