Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Import Previous Backup

Post by WMDracutus »


My setup for this issue. I have Veeam B&R installed on a VM, and a windows 10 machine, which i manually downloaded and installed the Veeam Windows Agent. I then created a backup job to the Repository on the vm.

I formatted my Windows 10 machine and reinstalled the Windows agent, i cant see an option to import the previous back up job, it only allows me to create a new job.

Is there a way to import the job, or should i have installed the agent and created the back up job another way?

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Re: Import Previous Backup

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums.

What are you trying to do? Restore, or just getting back the job settings?

If you create a new backup job, then the old restore points should be available again (you need to go back to the "backup" selection).

It should look similar to this

As the job settings itself are only stored if the backup server manages the agent, you need to re-create the job (at least I understood that you have a standalone agent with no central management by VBR)

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Re: Import Previous Backup

Post by WMDracutus »

Hi HannesK, thank you :)

Im just trying to get back settings. I did the steps as above and they are not there.

So im guessing i did something wrong along the lines. Im happy to start again, as ive just switched over to Veeam, it will just be a time thing to redo the back up.

Would it be prudent to setup a different way or do the way i did before, as in install the agent on the windows machine and then back up to the repository, or to create the back up job from B&R (which i need to learn to do)?

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Re: Import Previous Backup

Post by HannesK »

Im just trying to get back settings.
the job needs to be re-created manually if it was a standalone machine.

In most cases it's easier to manage if the backup server manages the backup jobs centrally. There is a documentation for agent management available in

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Re: Import Previous Backup

Post by WMDracutus »

Thanks HannesK :)

Ive created the protection group and am making the first back up.

Ive noticed that the objects screen are different on the server compared to the standalone. What i mean is that on the standalone side and file level back up, you get tick boxes to choose folders and files you want to back up.

On the server side, you can add and then have to put in the path

Is there an option to have the tick box option on the server side as i can not create the back up on the Windows 10 Machine due to the agent now being administrated by the server

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Re: Import Previous Backup

Post by HannesK »

as one protection group could have hundreds of agents inside, each with a different folder structure... no, that option is not available with central management.

I recommend using volume level backup or entire computer for performance and simplicity reasons.

Best regards,
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