I tried to install which fails after failing to find and after manual pointing to the extracted file telling me that Veeam_B&R_Endpoint_x64.msi is not a valid installation package. The log is pasted at the end of the post (tray application not running is probably due to prior installation tries...)
I tried the steps in this link to no avail:
https://forums.veeam.com/veeam-agent-fo ... 49036.html
At the end I tried to remove the old version which also fails due to the installer not being able to find the file above probably due to my cleaning of the temp folders due to space constraints.
What can I do now?
Thank you very much for your help!
Code: Select all
[22.04.2018 11:05:33][INFO] Creating Installer Application instance.
[22.04.2018 11:05:33][INFO] Installer Application instance created.
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] InstallerEngine session started.
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Stopping tray application.
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Tray application stop procedure threw an exception, this can indicate error or tray application is not running.
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][ERROR] System.Threading.WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException: Es gibt kein Handle mit diesem Namen.
bei System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(String name, EventWaitHandleRights rights)
bei Veeam.Setup.Endpoint.EndpointCore.TrayAppManager.Stop(IProgressReporter progressReporter)
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Stopping exisitng services...
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Service name: VeeamEndpointBackupSvc
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Service process: Not specified
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Stopping service...
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Service successfully stopped.
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Exisitng services have been stopped.
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Checking presence of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 System CLR Types...
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Requested assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Version: 11
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Requested assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types' version 11 is found in GAC, checking detailed version in registry...
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Required version: 11.1.3000.0; Found version: 11.1.3000.0
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Checking presence of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SMO redist...
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Requested assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo Version: 11
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Requested assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo' version 11 is found in GAC, checking detailed version in registry...
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Required version: 11.1.3000.0; Found version: 11.1.3000.0
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Checking presence of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Local DB...
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Requested 'InstanceAPIPath' registry key at the 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Installed Versions\11.0\' path is found, Checking version.
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Required version: 11.3.6020.0; Found version: 11.3.6020.0
[22.04.2018 11:06:04][INFO] Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Local DB upgrade is not required.
[22.04.2018 11:08:48][ERROR] System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Schwerwiegender Fehler bei der Installation
bei Veeam.Setup.MsiLibrary.VmMsiCommon.CheckError(VmMsiDatabase db, UInt32 result)
bei Veeam.Setup.MsiLibrary.VmMsiCommon.InstallProduct(String product, String commandLine, Boolean& bReboot)
bei Veeam.Setup.Endpoint.Core.MsiPackageInstaller.InstallWithProgressHandling(IProgressReporter progressReporter, String msiPackage, String commandLine, String logFile)
bei Veeam.Setup.Endpoint.Core.ProductInstaller.Install(IProgressReporter progressReporter)
bei Veeam.Setup.Endpoint.Core.InstallerEngine.Install(IProgressReporter progressReporter)
[22.04.2018 11:08:48][ERROR] Installation failed.
[22.04.2018 11:08:48][INFO] InstallerEngine session completed. Result = Failed