Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by MCU_Networking »

I currently have Endpoint installed. I am Backing up the entire server to Veeam B&R repository. I need to have a monthly backup of everything on the D: drive but one specific folder. What are my options? I keep 101 restore points of this server so I cannot risk corrupting the chain because of a space issue. It is all working great, I just need to add the monthly ad-hoc backup of certain folders. Can I manually change the job settings to backup just the folders I want, run the backup, and then change the job back to what it was and it preserve the previous incremental chain? Or will it corrupt/mess it up and it will have to create a new full an go from there? Is there a config file somewhere I can script swapping out? Is there something in the SQL database I can change out efficiently? Management wants a end of the month backup starting this month so hopefully someone will be able to answer this.

Here is a visual, I want to backup the entire D: but exclude the folder called "C":

If you must know, C folder contains nothing but basically stagnant data, only additions to it, so there is no point in including it, plus it is 300GB while A,B and D are only 60GB uncompressed/not de-duped.

As for the upcoming 2.0, is there any options there with Powershell that will help me? I am talking specifically being able to edit job settings in Powershell, or even the API for that matter? Of course it would only help if I can change the job to only certain folders, run the job, then change back to previous config and continue on like nothing ever happened.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by MCU_Networking »

I tried a couple different variations of editing the jobs to a smaller selection to get just the files I wanted then changing it back but all of them corrupted the chain/caused a full to run next.
Dima P.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by Dima P. »

Hi Michael,

Sorry for keeping silence. Here is the idea: with the help of built-in API you can keep two config files and swap them when required. Thinking about automation – swap and backup can be scheduled via Windows Task Scheduler.


1. Setup VAW
2. Configure 'main backup job'. Export this config to a file Veeam.Agent.Configurator.exe -export /f:C:\Veeam\MainBackupJob.xml
3. Edit the config in UI as a ‘secondary job’ (different source files / options / target). Export this config to a file Veeam.Agent.Configurator.exe -export /f:C:\Veeam\SecondaryBackupJob.xml
4. Keep in mind that backup location should be different for both configs, otherwise it wont work

Create a bat script and optionally add it to windows task scheduler with desired schedule. Script sample below will do the following:

1. Export 'main backup job' config to a folder to keep it safe
2. Import 'secondary backup job 'config to VAW
3. Start a backup for secondary config
4. Export secondary config (might be useful if it was modified)
5. Import main backup config back to VAW

Code: Select all

@echo off
cd C:\Program Files\Veeam\EndPoint Backup
Veeam.Agent.Configurator.exe -export /f:C:\Veeam\MainBackupJob.xml
Veeam.Agent.Configurator.exe -import /f:C:\Veeam\SecondaryBackupJob.xml
Veeam.EndPoint.Manager.exe /backup
Veeam.Agent.Configurator.exe -export /f:C:\Veeam\SecondaryBackupJob.xml
Veeam.Agent.Configurator.exe -import /f:C:\Veeam\MainBackupJob.xml
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by MCU_Networking »

How would this be different from manually performing the following steps, in respective to corrupting the chain or not:

1.Run main Incremental
2.Change config for backing up specific files
3.Run job
4.Change config back
5.Run backup like nothing happened(although in my test with current Endpoint Free it corrupted the chain)

So are you saying with VAW(Any edition) that if I import/export/swap configs that it won't corrupt the chain of the original forever incremental main job?
Dima P.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by Dima P. »

would this be different from manually performing the following steps
Same. API just allows to automate the process.
VAW(Any edition) that if I import/export/swap configs that it won't corrupt the chain of the original forever incremental main job?
It should not corrupt the chain. Rescan is performed at the beginning of every backup job, thus DB gets updated with a new backup information. API is supported in the paid editions.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by audax »

Hi Dima,
will this also work on VEB 1.5?

Dima P.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by Dima P. »

Hi audax,

No VEB 1.5 does not have this API.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by MCU_Networking »

Dima P, when you say "It should not corrupt the chain. Rescan is performed at the beginning of every backup job, thus DB gets updated with a new backup information. API is supported in the paid editions." are you speaking from experience?

As I said in my test, it corrupted the backup chain causing a Full to be ran next. So are you saying it shouldn't have in my case, or with the new VAW 2.0 with API that it won't then?
Dima P.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by Dima P. »


I am testing this solution and it works fine in my lab. Will have another config swap tomorrow all day long and report back. Stay tuned.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by borismittelmann »

Hi Dima,
I'm staying tuned with it went?

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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by Dima P. »

We have two separate labs for testing this functionality, so far so good.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by dellock6 »

Just a confirmation here, I have a windows machine with a double target (one local VBR server, and one account in Veeam Cloud Connect) since a week, and the script to switch the backup plan is working perfectly. I'll post this upcoming week a blog post to show in details how it works.
Luca Dell'Oca
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by MCU_Networking »

Any information so I don't have to wait, it has been a month and I haven't heard anything when there is supposedly a solution? I need to know if I am doing it wrong or clarification whether what I want is even available in Endpoint Free 1.5.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by Mike Resseler »

Hi Michael,

The proposed solution with the API won't work with Endpoint Free 1.5 I'm afraid as it doesn't have this API
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by MCU_Networking »

The following question is still unanswered by Veeam:

With Veeam Endpoint Free 1.5 are you able to switch the configs without corrupting the chain?

Dima P and dellock6 both say they "can get it to work" but neither as far as I can tell have told me whether their successful testing is with Veam Endpoint Free or the BETA VAW.
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by Mike Resseler »

They are testing with VAW Beta. It won't work with Endpoint Free
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Re: Need ad-hoc backup of specific files

Post by jeremycohen »

Dima, thanks very much for this incredibly helpful info. I was able to save XML configs and import them using Veeam.Agent.Configurator.exe -import.
I was also able to batch run a backup using Veeam.EndPoint.Manager.exe /backup.

But if a backup is already running when a second Veeam.EndPoint.Manager.exe /backup command is processed, it seems to be completely ignored.

Can you think of a way around this?

Thanks in advance!!
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