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Possible to do file/folder level backups of protection group?

Post by jesseroscoe »

We are using B&R 9.5 Update 4 and have a few jobs using Windows agents to back up clustered file servers (protection groups).
The problem we are having is that we have a 15TB volume in the cluster that takes forever to back up. It usually fails after around 70%, and in the meantime causes unacceptable slowness for the application that is writing new data to the disk.

We're wondering if it's possible to create backup jobs of protection groups that would allow us to choose which folders to back up. That way, we could split up the 15TB into ~5 jobs so that we wouldn't have to try to get a full backup of all of it in one night.

I thought maybe this could be achieved with File Copy jobs, but perhaps they are only for standalone servers. Not sure. I also saw people mention in a forum that file copy jobs always do full backups. Is that the case?

Can someone provide some info on how we can split up the data on this large volume that is part of a Windows Failover Cluster?
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Re: Possible to do file/folder level backups of protection group?

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums

may I ask what speed do you actually get on which hardware? I have seen up to 1GByte/s with 10GBit links for your scenario with volume or entire computer backup. What about your bottleneck and CPU load? For failures, please ask support to investigate and post the case number here for reference.

File backup is much slower than block based, so that way will not really help.

File copy jobs are not built for that - please don't try them :-)

15TB should be no problem during one night (and splitting is no option that would help in that case)

Best regards,
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