I have read thru the linked article, and all of the forum posts about this issue on this site and followed everything i could find but it still happens.
The actual service will not start in services.msc, regardless if i set it to log in as domain\administrator, or a newly created administrator-level account, or even local service. All attempts end with "...the service started and then stopped..." the typical windows message
When the attempt is made, event viewer id 0 happens with the below text
My support case has been unanswered for several days (i realize it's a free product, but we also have a valid license for 250 users of m365 backups thru veeam). The case id is 05327231
I have reset the registry keys to rebuild the database after having renamed the temporary folders where the database lives (deep in c:\windows\system32...)
i have rebooted several times
i have ran the latest product installation (which seemed to install ok until the very end when it errored out on starting the service)
i have opened the support case and my logs were updated on Friday last week
This is what i call a standard setup, one server on one domain - no proxies or anything weird. Backups run to an external usb hard drive and logs say backups are working fine
The text from the event viewer ID zero is:
Code: Select all
Service cannot be started. Veeam.Backup.Common.CConnectionFailedException: [This server] Failed to connect to Installer service. ---> Veeam.Backup.Common.CConnectionFailedException: [This server] Failed to connect to Installer service. ---> System.Exception: [This server] Failed to discover Installer service. ---> System.Exception: [This server] Failed to check whether remote Installer service is available. ---> System.ApplicationException: The RPC server is unavailable
RPC function call failed. Function name: [GetSvcVersion]. Target machine: [].
at VeeamProxyClient.RegenerateCLRException(exception* excBase)
at VeeamProxyClient.CCliVeeamDeployer.PingService()
at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRawDeployerService.TestConnection(String srvName, CCliVeeamDeployer veeamDeployer)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRawDeployerService.Connect(String srvName, IPAddress[] ips, CCredentials creds, Int32 configPort, Boolean install)
at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CPro...