Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Service suddenly stopped working

Post by bryon »

Backups are working fine, but i can't open the program to restore a file i need. Attempting to open the program results in Service suddenly stopped working.

I have read thru the linked article, and all of the forum posts about this issue on this site and followed everything i could find but it still happens.

The actual service will not start in services.msc, regardless if i set it to log in as domain\administrator, or a newly created administrator-level account, or even local service. All attempts end with "...the service started and then stopped..." the typical windows message

When the attempt is made, event viewer id 0 happens with the below text

My support case has been unanswered for several days (i realize it's a free product, but we also have a valid license for 250 users of m365 backups thru veeam). The case id is 05327231

I have reset the registry keys to rebuild the database after having renamed the temporary folders where the database lives (deep in c:\windows\system32...)
i have rebooted several times
i have ran the latest product installation (which seemed to install ok until the very end when it errored out on starting the service)
i have opened the support case and my logs were updated on Friday last week

This is what i call a standard setup, one server on one domain - no proxies or anything weird. Backups run to an external usb hard drive and logs say backups are working fine

The text from the event viewer ID zero is:

Code: Select all

Service cannot be started. Veeam.Backup.Common.CConnectionFailedException: [This server] Failed to connect to Installer service. ---> Veeam.Backup.Common.CConnectionFailedException: [This server] Failed to connect to Installer service. ---> System.Exception: [This server] Failed to discover Installer service. ---> System.Exception: [This server] Failed to check whether remote Installer service is available. ---> System.ApplicationException: The RPC server is unavailable
RPC function call failed. Function name: [GetSvcVersion]. Target machine: [].
   at VeeamProxyClient.RegenerateCLRException(exception* excBase)
   at VeeamProxyClient.CCliVeeamDeployer.PingService()
   at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRawDeployerService.TestConnection(String srvName, CCliVeeamDeployer veeamDeployer)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRawDeployerService.Connect(String srvName, IPAddress[] ips, CCredentials creds, Int32 configPort, Boolean install)
   at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CPro...
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Full Name: Moustafa Hindawi

Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by Hindawi »

Hi Bryon,
{Failed to connect to Installer service}
Make sure that Windows Installer services can be started, also make sure that Windows OS is up-to-date, also make sure that there is no Windows update pending for installation.
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by bryon »

Hi, and thank you so much for your reply!

I checked on windows installer, that service is "manual" and was not started. It let me start that without error and is now "started". The veeam agent service tries to start for about 30 seconds and then errors out as before with "the veeam agent for microsoft windows service on local computer started and then stopped. some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs"

the veeam service is set to log on as local system, as is windows installer service

Windows update is complete, "no updates are available" last checked yesterday at 847pm
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Full Name: Moustafa Hindawi

Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by Hindawi »

Hi Bryon,
If you are managing the agent from Veeam Server, rescan the protection group and set the credentials again, then restart the client server.
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by bryon »

Hi Hindawi, as stated this is one single server. There is no "veeam server" in this setup, just the windows agent by itself - a stand-alone.
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Full Name: Moustafa Hindawi

Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by Hindawi »

Please check the system requirements in the link below to make sure everything is compatible: ... t-windows-
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by bryon »

Thank you for double checking - we more than meet all of those requirements. I should have stated, veeam has been working fine for more than a year - but only recently the app doesn't open. Backups still work, as indicated in the logs and the incrementing file size and dates.

The backup functions fine, i can't open the GUI to restore files.
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by Hindawi »

what is the version and build of Veeam agent?
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by bryon » 2 people like this post

Previous to opening this thread, it was the latest version as downloaded on 3/14/2022 ...

... but i've given up on this and uninstalled it. I installed the community version, imported the previous backup and that works fine.
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by P_P » 1 person likes this post

Hi, I think I had the exact same scenario as you. Also server manager wouldn't open (please check on yours) and expanding Windows logs in eventvwr crashed the MMC.

It was a .net 4 issue, possibly (probably) caused by Windows update. What fixed it for me was:
Copy the machine.config file from

I checked on other servers and the files were identical in both locations (servers without these issues obviously have the file in both locations, mine was missing in the Framework64 location on the problem server).
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Full Name: TheExpert

Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by TheExpert »

Hi all,

I have exactly the same issue. But on my Windows 10 system the machine.config is the same file on both paths.

Then I tried to repair the Veeam Agent for Windows installation. But again, I get the error in the Windows event log:

Code: Select all

Der Dienst kann nicht gestartet werden. Veeam.Backup.Common.CConnectionFailedException: [This server] Failed to connect to Installer service. ---> Veeam.Backup.Common.CConnectionFailedException: [This server] Failed to connect to Installer service. ---> System.Exception: [This server] Failed to discover Installer service. ---> System.Exception: [This server] Failed to check whether remote Installer service is available. ---> System.ApplicationException: Der RPC-Server ist nicht verf�gbar
RPC function call failed. Function name: [GetSvcVersion]. Target machine: [].
   bei VeeamProxyClient.RegenerateCLRException(exception* excBase)
   bei VeeamProxyClient.CCliVeeamDeployer.PingService()
   bei Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRawDeployerService.TestConnection(String srvName, CCliVeeamDeployer veeamDeployer)
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRawDeployerService.Connect(String srvName, IPAddress[] ips, CCredentials creds, Int32 configPort, Boolean install)
   bei Veeam.Backup...
The Windows Installer service and the RPC service are running. But the Veeam Agent service won't start.

A reboot also didn't solve the issue.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Thank You and kind Regards.
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by TheExpert »

Hi all,

is there any other solution for this issue?

Thank You and Kind Regards.
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by TheExpert »

Hi all,

by further investigating the issue I see the following error in the log file "C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Endpoint\Svc.VeeamEndpointBackup.log":

Code: Select all

[25.07.2022 07:53:59] <04> Info     [EpSystemTransportService] Retrying 10/10
[25.07.2022 07:53:59] <04> Info     [EpSystemTransportService] Trying to open tcp channel on port = 6193.
[25.07.2022 07:53:59] <04> Info     [EpSystemTransportService] Unable to open tcp channel on port = 6193. Der Zugriff auf einen Socket war aufgrund der Zugriffsrechte des Sockets unzulässig
[25.07.2022 07:53:59] <04> Info     Der Zugriff auf einen Socket war aufgrund der Zugriffsrechte des Sockets unzulässig (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)
With the command

Code: Select all

netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
I see that the TCP port range from 6184 to 6194 isn't available any more:

Code: Select all

Portausschlussbereiche für das Protokoll "tcp"

Startport      Endport
----------    --------
        80          80
      5357        5357
      5358        5457
      5458        5557
      5558        5657
      5658        5757
      5864        5963
      5964        6063
      6064        6163
      6164        6263
      6475        6574
      6575        6674
      6675        6774
      6775        6874
     28385       28385
     28390       28390
     50000       50059     *

* - Verwaltete Portausschlüsse.
I don't know what happened on my Windows system that these ports are now blocked and by which other application is blocking this port range. How can I change these exclusions?

Kind Regards.
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Re: Service suddenly stopped working

Post by TheExpert » 1 person likes this post

Hi all,

after more investigating I found this information on ... s-disabled, post #4. It's about a docker related issue but I tried this solution:
[..]because Windows started with its "dynamic ports" configured to start at port 1025 and end at port 5000. Because of this, when Docker Desktop started up, it would reserve its ports within the 1025-5000 port range, which was (sometimes!) conflicting with the ports that my own programs were configured to reserve/use. (for port-forwarding from my local Kubernetes cluster to localhost)

To see if your dynamic-ports is set incorrectly, you can run:

Code: Select all

netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp
If you see "Start Port: 1025", then the dynamic-ports range is misconfigured. To fix it, you'll need to set it to a more sensible range -- avoiding the <10k ports. (which is typically where devs place their own apps)

To set it to the recommended range: (if your issue is with ipv6, then adjust the command accordingly)

Code: Select all

netsh int ipv4 set dynamic tcp start=49152 num=16384
After a reboot of my Windows system the Veeam Agent service is running again :-).

Kind Regards.
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