1. First, create the recovery media as usual using Veeam's "Create Recovery Media".
2. Create a working directory somewhere on the hard drive and copy "sources\boot.wim" from the recovery media there.
3. Download Intel Wifi drivers matching your OS from https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en ... rking.html and extract it to a subfolder in the working directory. In my case, my drivers were extracted to "WiFi_20.80.0_Driver64_Win10".
4. Open an Administrative Powershell Prompt and change to the working directory
Code: Select all
cd C:\path\to\workdir
Code: Select all
mkdir mount
dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:boot.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:mount
Code: Select all
dism /Image:mount /Add-Driver /Driver:WiFi_20.80.0_Driver64_Win10 /Recurse
Code: Select all
dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:mount /Commit
9. The driver should be automatically loaded when booting into the recovery environment. There's no need to manually load any drivers using Veeam's "Load Drivers" tool.