Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Full Name: gustavo uehara

veeam agent backup size calculation

Post by gustavouehara »

Hello community, I want to understand a backup report of a SQL job that is managed by a veeam server and reports a filesystem size that is several times larger than the actual size.

The job, as I said, is an MS-SQL backup for a Veeam agent, with a full daily schedule and a Tlog every half hour.

The filesystem where the MSSQL datafiles and Tlogs are located is 900GB and the backup report reports that it has a "Total Size" of 8.1TB.

From what I see, every time a tlog runs, within the backup window that takes almost 6 hours, that tlog backup process adds the 900GB of datafiles to the "total size" report.

Verify that veeam agent does not transfer the 900gb but if it adds them, I don't know why veeam shows that data in the report that confuses me for the calculation of saved filesystem.

thank you!
Dima P.
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Re: veeam agent backup size calculation

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Gustavo,

Total size represents the size of entire backup chain with all restore points / backups. You can check the details in the email report to understand how much data was transferred during one backup job run and compare it with actual backup size of the restore point or entire backup chain. Thank you!
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Re: veeam agent backup size calculation

Post by gustavouehara »

Hello Dima, perfect. The total size represents the entire chain, including the tlog backups. In my particular case, since it is a full backup every night, my chain would be the Full one at the beginning of the chain and all the tlog backups that come in until the backup job finishes, which is approximately 7 hours.
The issue is that if I add all that up I never reach the 11.8Tb Total size since the filesystem's total size of the server to be protected is 2TB and the tlog backups do not exceed 2 GB.
What I did realize is that each tlog backup adds to the Total size but with the Total of the file system of the server to be protected and not the size corresponding to the size of the tlog backup, which as I said is 2GB.
Is this behavior strange?
thank you
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Re: veeam agent backup size calculation

Post by gustavouehara »

I've created a case with support.
The Veeam case is Case #07070037
thank you!
Dima P.
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Re: veeam agent backup size calculation

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Gustavo,

Thank you for sharing the case ID.
The total size represents the entire chain, including the tlog backups. In my particular case, since it is a full backup every night, my chain would be the Full one at the beginning of the chain and all the tlog backups that come in until the backup job finishes, which is approximately 7 hours.
How the retention is configured? Possibly you full backup are not retired and thus consume the space which is indicated in total size value?
What I did realize is that each tlog backup adds to the Total size but with the Total of the file system of the server to be protected and not the size corresponding to the size of the tlog backup, which as I said is 2GB.
Is this behavior strange?
If you go to the target file system and find the folder created for your agent backup job what would be the total size of that folder?
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Re: veeam agent backup size calculation

Post by gustavouehara » 2 people like this post

Hi Team, finally the support team told me that it's a known bug with veeam agent for windows vers 6.
"Veeam agent for Windows shows non relevant numbers which are larger than the actual backup size. In some cases it can be many times larger than the source volume. "
They gave me a bug fix and now the size it's OK.

Thank you Dima for your help
Dima P.
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Re: veeam agent backup size calculation

Post by Dima P. »

Got it and thank you for sharing the investigation results! Glad everything works as expected now!
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