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Veeam Endpoint Standalone Backup via task scheduler
I am running the Veeam Endpoint backup on several workstations weekly using the task scheduler and the standalone option. This allows me to run full backup weekly. right now I am manually removing the older backups from the application. I am wondering if there is a way to automatically have them deleted. I realize that once the full weekly option is added to the scheduler I will be able to manage it that way but in the mean time I am looking for a solution now. Thanks.
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Re: Veeam Endpoint Standalone Backup via task scheduler
Hi Randy,
There is no way to automate the standalone full backup removal via UI. I wonder why you are not using the forever incremental backup approach with built-in retention logic.
There is no way to automate the standalone full backup removal via UI. I wonder why you are not using the forever incremental backup approach with built-in retention logic.
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Re: Veeam Endpoint Standalone Backup via task scheduler
I backup up 40 workstations. That is roughly 2.8tb. I am concerned the forever incremental will increase my space allocation way too much over time.
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Re: Veeam Endpoint Standalone Backup via task scheduler
Actually, using this method won't use that much space. If your retention is set to 14 days, and let's say you backup once a day, then you will have 1 full and 13 smaller incrementals (changes only...) When the next backup is taken, the oldest incremental gets merged with the full.
If you would take full in between, you will have more space needed because the full ones are normally much bigger.
Hope it helps
If you would take full in between, you will have more space needed because the full ones are normally much bigger.
Hope it helps
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Re: Veeam Endpoint Standalone Backup via task scheduler
Hi rmeinen, great question! We had the same question a while back. Here are two ways we solved it, both use batch files to delete old standalone backups, both triggered using task scheduler.
You can use FORFILES to delete files older than a certain time period from a certain location, in this case from the Z Drive after 8 days:
Alternatively you can delete old files AND folders using a batch file once the hard drive gets to a certain percentage full; this was working but a Windows 10 update has broken this for some reason; I've been meaning to fix it but don't have the time, it is the last few lines that no longer work, perhaps a coder here can point out why it isn't working? I suspect it now pulls in hidden system and recycle bin folders and it fails because of permission issues. Note that this deletes files from an I Drive, not the Z Drive as above:
You can use FORFILES to delete files older than a certain time period from a certain location, in this case from the Z Drive after 8 days:
Code: Select all
forfiles.exe /S -p z:\ -m *.* -d -8 -c "Cmd.exe /C del @path"
Code: Select all
:: Set minimum free space in bytes
SET minfreespace=500,000,000,000
:: Calculate used space in bytes
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('dir I:\') DO SET space=%%i
SET process_01=%space%
SET process_02=%process_01:~-26%
SET process_03=%process_02:.=%
SET freespace=%process_03: bytes free=%
:: Clear the screen
:: CLS
:: Display free space
ECHO Free space: %freespace%
:: Display limit previously defined
ECHO Minimum Free Space: %minfreespace%
:: If free space is less than the minimum space required run delete oldest
:: file program
IF "%freespace%" LEQ "%minfreespace%" GOTO command
:: Run delete oldest file program if free space low
:: Select starting folder location
:: Recursively creates list of all files / folders from oldest to newest
DIR /AD-S-H-R /OD /B > fileslist.txt
:: Pulls in first line of fileslist.txt (i.e. oldest file) and deletes that file / folder
SET /p firstline =< fileslist.txt
RMDIR "%firstline%" /Q
DEL fileslist.txt
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