Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Win10 and SQL backup?

Post by Klausgodtkjaer »


So I've got a Win10 pro 64bit desktop, with a newly Installed Microsoft SQL Server Express.

Will a free Veeam Agent, doing a "Entire PC" be able to correctly backup the SQL-Database?

Is there anything I should be aware of in this case? I need the "Entire PC" do to other reasons, så if this could include the just installed SQL Express, that would be great.
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Re: Win10 and SQL backup?

Post by HannesK »

it will be application consistent as the agent always runs VSS. But the free version is not able to do log-shipping (probably not required in your environment).

Does that help?

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Re: Win10 and SQL backup?

Post by Klausgodtkjaer »

Thank you for your input.

What I am worring about, is what happens if the SQL is backed up, at the same time the database is used? I should mention I am not that familliar with using SQL-databases.

If there is no good answer, I will use a third party app to export the SQL-database to c:\SQL-Backup\ and then that would be included in the backup. Not pretty, but it works :)
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Re: Win10 and SQL backup?

Post by HannesK »

is what happens if the SQL is backed up, at the same time the database is used
Microsoft VSS handles that. No worries.

as long as you do image based backup (full computer / volume level), you will always have the database in your backup.
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