Standalone backup agent for Microsoft Windows servers and workstations (formerly Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE)
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Full Name: Remco van der Bruggen

Windows 10 Won't Boot UP after Restore Bare-metal

Post by Remco-rco »

CASE ID = 07085935

Hello ppl,

I have some problems with Veeam Agent for windows and Windows 10.
The first problem was that a Windows 10 computer would not boot after a bare matel restore.
The computer booted in the Windows recovery setting.

I had made a recovery USB from Veeam, done a full restore, restore completed successfully.
Then you will be asked if the computer needs to be restarted.
Windows 10 then starts up but indicates that problems have been found and then starts repairing. Here it remains in a loop even when you go to Save mode.

Weird but okay
I then took a computer and installed Windows 10, drivers and Windows 10 were completely up-to-date. Installed Veeam agent for Windows make a Full system backup to an USB disk.
So basically a clean Windows 10 backup. Booted the same computer from Veeam Recovery USB, what I made in the Veeam Agent for Windows program.
Then bare metal recovery. Deleted partitions and restored the entire backup, After a successful restore.
The computer restarted and after restarting the same error, problems were found and this had to be repaired. Windows can no longer solve this either.

I have now done this on 2 different computers and some else have done this too on his test computer and also have the same problem with Windows 10.
Not booting after success full restore.
Done this to exclude hardware failures, and my mistakes :)
Then I have installed Windows 11 on these computers, make a full backup and done the USB recovery procedure a successful restore and the computer also starts up without any error.

I also exported the Windows 10 backups via Veeam Backup and Recovery to a Virtual machine and placed them in Hyper-V. Then the Windows 10 computer will start normally.
So the problem is in Windows 10 at Bare Metal level.

Do have other people have also run into this? Or you can no longer restore Windows 10 to Bare Metal?
Which doesn't seem logical to me.

I am very curious about your experiences, or test it on a test machine and then share the results.
Because in the past, I had no problems with Windows 10 on Bare metal.

Yours sincerely,

Remco van der Bruggen
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Re: Windows 10 Won't Boot UP after Restore Bare-metal

Post by Mildur »

Hello Remco

Unfortunately we cannot troubleshoot technical issues over forum posts.
So I suggest you keep working with your support engineer. Our engineer will escalate the case into R&D if necessary.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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