I'm successfully running veeam-for-linux since 2017 on my personal notebook – actually veeam under Linux Mint 17.3.
Last good backup is from 2019.02.09. From then on all attempts to backup failed with I/o-error on snapshot. As far as I understand snapshot is only written on a partition of running system but never on a external (usb)-media.
/dev/sda5 /boot ext2 220MB free 177MB
/dev/sda6 / ext4 23GB free 16GB
/dev/sda7 /home ext4 66GB free 19GB
A check with fsck of partitions /boot, / and /home found some inconsistences and bad blocks on /boot and / which have been repaired. /home was perfect – no errors at all.
But this did not help with my veeam job concern.
What I tried more is:
- to delete large files from /home partition to be sure to have enough free space for snapshot,
- to put snapshot once to / and next to /home partition via veeam.ini (type=common)
Even that without success.
Strange that the job ends always at the same offset of shnapshot file [/dev/veeamimage1]
“Failed to read from device file at offset [183500800]”. “processed blocks: [377]”
– no matter where snapshot is located - on / or on /home:
Full last successful job logs and first failed job logs as well as veeamsvc.log here:
Here some lines from job.log,
Code: Select all
[15.02.2019 15:38:13] <2992630592> vmb | [SessionLog][processing] Backing up sda 201 MB at 12.4 MB/s (0%).
[15.02.2019 15:38:23] <2992630592> lpbcore| Session progress: 0%; processed size: 339738624 processing speed: 7495116 bottleneck stats: 89/39/0/32
[15.02.2019 15:38:23] <2992630592> vmb | [SessionLog][processing] Backing up sda 324 MB at 12.3 MB/s (0%).
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | [46cf] >> : disconnect
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <2992630592> vmb | ERR |Client protocol receiver thread has failed.
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <2992630592> vmb | >> |read: End of file
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <2992630592> vmb | >> |--tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [4].
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <2992630592> vmb | >> |--tr:Failed to read data from throttled device.
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <2992630592> vmb | >> |--tr:Failed to read null-terminated string from stream.
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <2992630592> vmb | >> |An exception was thrown from thread [2992630592].
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <2992630592> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | ERR |Failed to disconnect from proxy server.
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |Input/output error
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |POSIX: Failed to read data from the file [/dev/veeamimage1].
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |--tr:Failed to read from device file at offset [183500800].
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |--tr:Failed to read data from snapshot. Requested offset: [183500800]. Data size: [1048576]
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |--tr:Failed to read the next block from the disk. Disk: [Disk Emulator]. Current offset: [377,253,527,552]. Disk size: [500,107,862,016]. CBT tracker: [Incremental multi-tracker { bitmap_tracker:// , bitmap_tracker:// , }].
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [377].
[15.02.2019 15:38:38] <3074710336> vmb | >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
Any helpful advice is very much appreciated.