Code: Select all
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |Retrieved less bytes from the storage [0] than required [4096]. Offset: [110804992]. File: [<redacted>_2016-08-21T070052.vib].
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to retrieve V4 data block. Block offset: [110804992]. Compressed size: [3858]. Original size: [11219].
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to retrieve restore block [0] for file [summary.xml].
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read block [0] from restore point
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Next asynchronous read request cannot be processed.
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Asynchronous data reader has failed.
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to process conveyored task.
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |Failed to restore file from local backup. VFS link: [summary.xml]. Target file: [MemFs://RestoreText_{10365f87-c36e-4bb5-9aea-b6ddf7fcfbd8}]. CHMOD mask: [-1].
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.RestoreText}.
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Backup client has failed to execute command.
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to restore text.
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |Backup job has failed.
[26.08.2016 11:35:05] <3077802864> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [-1217164432].
Is there a command that can check the backup file integrity? Is this something that can/will be self recoverable in the future?