Standalone backup agents for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris workloads on-premises or in the public cloud
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Devices not available /dev/sd..... Can't see all the drives

Post by allanhitch »

Ok.. Here's one I can't find any mention of....

I've been playing rather intensively with Veeam Free, Linux agent on some test beds at my work.

A while ago, my backup stopped working properly.
Centos 7
Physical boxes.
64-bit, of course.
All current updates.
Running a KDM environment (not that I think it matters)

There is one drive used for Cent, and three others used for storage. The backup destination is one of those drives.
All the storage drives are mounted under a folder on the root of the drive.

The storage drives are /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdd.
The operating system drive turns out to be /dev/sde

Now, when configuring a backup, selecting "Volumes", I see /sda, /sdb, /sdd, but NO /sde!
I select "Mountpoint", "LVM" or "BTRFS" and still don't see anything remotely affiliated with the /sde (like /boot or /).

I've got 3 other Cent7 boxes; all current updates, all running Veeam, one of them even has 10 drives, and they're all chugging along nicely, whether selected to backup the entire system, or just selected drives (the systems with storage drives do NOT back those up!)

I honestly can't pick an exact date that it quit.... I wasn't backing up this box that often.

I know it has to be something simple...
What am I missing?
What is it that's preventing Veeam from seeing the Operating System drive?
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Re: Devices not available /dev/sd..... Can't see all the drives

Post by HannesK »

as you said, that it worked before... no idea. Support might be able to help (also with free edition) - please post the case number for reference.

Did you already test to just start a completely new backup job to a new backup destination?

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Full Name: Allan G. Hitchmoth

Re: Devices not available /dev/sd..... Can't see all the drives

Post by allanhitch »

I've completely uninstalled, and clobbered every associated file I could find left over....
Completely new backup with a fresh install (had to separately remove veeamsnap as a separate item)

Still, no-joy.
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Re: Devices not available /dev/sd..... Can't see all the drives

Post by PTide »

The only explanation that I can come up with is that the agent for some reason identified the sde disk as a USB disk or a network drive (which we currently skip in UI if volume-level is selected). Kindly try to add the disk manually using CLI (example)

Anyway I would recommend to contact our support team directly. Kindly post your case ID once you open a case with them.

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