I'm trying to backup a mounted nfs directory with no luck. I keep getting the following error message "Cannot query directory /tmp/veeam/snapmnt/{b450bf43-52ce-47f8-977a-cbf1e87dfb83}/: directory doesn't exists".
OS: CentOS 6.8 2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64
Job log file:
Code: Select all
[14.07.2016 09:21:12] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: <VCPCommandResult result="false" exception="Cannot query directory /tmp/veeam/snapmnt/{b450bf43-52ce-47f8-977a-cbf1e87dfb83}/: directory doesn't exists
--tr:Failed to fetch directory ''
--tr:Failed to initialize sync context
--tr:Failed to complete sync operation
Agent failed to process method {FileBackup.SyncDirs}." />
[14.07.2016 09:21:12] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Checking state for 0 mount session(s)
[14.07.2016 09:21:12] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Checking state for 0 mount session(s) ok.
[14.07.2016 09:21:12] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: >
[14.07.2016 09:21:12] <140517081446144> lpbcore| [d756] >> : disconnect
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --err:
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: read: End of file
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [24].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to read data from throttled device.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to process async update request.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to handle command 2
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to handle file_backup_mount_disk command.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: read: End of file
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [24].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to read data from throttled device.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to process async update request.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to handle command 2
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:Failed to handle file_backup_mount_disk command.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:event:1:
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: --tr:event:6:
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out:
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| [d756] out: :err--
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| ERR |Client protocol receiver thread has failed.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| >> |read: End of file
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [1].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read data from throttled device.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read null-terminated string from stream.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [-1395046656].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| ERR |Failed to disconnect from proxy server.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |read: End of file
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [24].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read data from throttled device.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to process async update request.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to handle command 2
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to handle file_backup_mount_disk command.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |read: End of file
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Cannot read data from the socket. Requested data size: [24].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to read data from throttled device.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to process async update request.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to handle command 2
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to handle file_backup_mount_disk command.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:event:1:
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:event:6:
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Backup client has failed to execute command.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to disconnect from proxy server.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [-1363577088].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| [d756] >> : quit
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517049976576> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Performing file-level backup: [/test/home]. Failed.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| [99d8] >> : disconnect
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517060466432> lpbcore| [99d8] out: >
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| [99d8] >> : quit
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517060466432> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{01d46a6e-71fd-4999-9692-73611218cb9b}].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[14.07.2016 09:21:13] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Waiting for acknowledge.
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{01d46a6e-71fd-4999-9692-73611218cb9b}]. ok.
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> lpbcore| [c76b] >> : quit
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140516869457664> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> lpbcore| [01db] >> : quit
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517070956288> | Thread finished. Role: 'Client receiver'.
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{4084bc89-9501-4bae-ba82-b7d72cb2ab64}].
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[14.07.2016 09:21:14] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Waiting for acknowledge.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Stopping proxy agent process. Agent UID: [{4084bc89-9501-4bae-ba82-b7d72cb2ab64}]. ok.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| BackupJobPerformer: Releasing snapshot.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| BackupJobPerformer: Releasing snapshot. ok.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| BackupJobPerformer: Creating backup. Failed.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> | Trying to connect to the endpoint []
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> | Connection status: system:0 ( Success ).
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> net | Sending reconnect options: [disabled].
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081450336> lpbcore| LpbManSession: Processing commands. ok.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| Disconnecting.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| ERR |Job has failed.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |Cannot query directory /tmp/veeam/snapmnt/{b450bf43-52ce-47f8-977a-cbf1e87dfb83}/: directory doesn't exists
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to fetch directory ''
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to initialize sync context
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to complete sync operation
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |Agent failed to process method {FileBackup.SyncDirs}.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Backup client has failed to execute command.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to sync dirs
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |--tr:Failed to backup files [/test/home].
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |Backup job has failed.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> lpbcore| >> |An exception was thrown from thread [-1363577088].
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081446144> | Thread finished. Role: 'Volume backup job execution'.
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081450336> lpbcore| Closing DB accessor [0x35750c0].
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081450336> lpbcore| Closing DB accessor [0x3577ad0].
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081450336> lpbcore| Closing DB accessor [0x3572ca0].
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081450336> lpbcore| [DEV] Destroyed [0x3575ec0]
[14.07.2016 09:21:15] <140517081450336> lpbman | Application session has been finished.