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Failed to retrieve mount point

Post by shmakky »

Hello, I am using Veeam agent for Windows for serveral years and now I want backup also my home share from RPI on Debian Linux.

This share is mounted from /etc/fstab by:

Code: Select all

//malina/malina /home/petr/malina cifs noauto,x-systemd.automount,credentials=/home/petr/.malina_credentials,uid=1000,gid=1000,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755 0 0
and backup target is drive /dev/sdb1 mounted to /backup from /etc/fstab by 
UUID=70945ede-b6fb-4736-ba13-e75551286f35 /backup         ext4    defaults        0       2

Problem is, that sometimes is veeam backup working, but very offen ends with error:

Code: Select all

10:30:07         Job backup_malina started at 2023-02-19 09:30:07 UTC
10:30:07         Preparing to backup
10:30:13         [error] Failed to perform backup
10:30:13         [error] Cannot find the mountpoint information for device number [0:41]
10:30:13         [error] Failed to retrieve mount point for [/home/petr/malina]
10:30:13         [error] Processing finished with errors at 2023-02-19 09:30:13 UTC
I am using File level backup with disable snapshot, because source is cifs mount of course.

I also don't have Veeam support case ID, because I am using free Veeam Agent for Linux without licence.

Any ideas, what is wrong?
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Re: Failed to retrieve mount point

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums.

if you don't have support, then I see the following options
1) dig though the logs yourself (/var/log/...)
2) try an upgrade to the latest version (6.0) which we released last week

Best regards,
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Re: Failed to retrieve mount point

Post by PTide »

Or you can share the logs via any fileshare of your choice and we will try to find some time and look at them.

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