Code: Select all
[02.09.2016 14:26:29] <140070657427200> lpbcore| [3509] out: --pex:11;52706672640;49142562816;0;49142562816;46649471144;22;77;81;21;77;71;131172927891526970
[02.09.2016 14:26:29] <140070657427200> lpbcore| Session progress: 41.2911%; processed size: 632840896512 processing speed: 107575188
[02.09.2016 14:56:33] <140070665819904> lpbcore| [16d1] out: --asyncNtf:Pipeline timeout: it seems that pipeline hanged.
[02.09.2016 14:56:33] <140070674212608> lpbcore| [281d] out: --asyncNtf:Pipeline timeout: it seems that pipeline hanged.
[02.09.2016 14:56:33] <140070682605312> lpbcore| [5ec1] out: --asyncNtf:Pipeline timeout: it seems that pipeline hanged.
[02.09.2016 14:56:33] <140070657427200> lpbcore| [3509] out: --asyncNtf:Pipeline timeout: it seems that pipeline hanged.
I tried to stop the veeamservice, nothing happend (just the veeamservice stopped).
ps auxww | grep veeam told me:
Code: Select all
root 7704 9.3 0.0 0 0 ? Zl 14:15 6:13 [veeamservice] <defunct>
root 8433 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S< 14:18 0:00 [veeamimage2]
root 8448 1.0 6.3 1394004 515652 ? SNl 14:18 0:40 veeamagent --log /var/log/veeam/Backup/FullBackup/Session__20160902__141848___F01e052f8_Bcbc0_B4d77_Bb381_Bbe34369f0da0_G/Agent.Target.log
root 8465 6.1 2.9 2926856 236104 ? SNl 14:18 3:53 veeamagent --log /var/log/veeam/Backup/FullBackup/Session__20160902__141848___F01e052f8_Bcbc0_B4d77_Bb381_Bbe34369f0da0_G/Agent.Source.log