Hi there,
I've got a CentOS 8 system set up with software (md) RAID with four disks. I'm using B&R on a Windows server to manage the backups.
My initial backup didn't report any issues via B&R, but I noticed that incrementals seemed much slower than I expected (nearly two hours on a system with minimal changes).
I've found errors in the Linux agent logs related to the veeammount process. I suspect this is causing big delays in the backups of this system, as Veeam is attempting to mount multiple devices that (apparently) are not intended to be mounted.
Here's an excerpt from the logs:
Code: Select all
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.713] vmnt | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.725] vmnt | name /usr/sbin/veeammount
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.725] vmnt | Mount
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.725] vmnt | deviceName=/dev/veeamimage0
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.725] vmnt | mountPointName=/tmp/{213ceac1-20b8-461a-9071-557c8b30b3c5}/
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.727] vmnt | Mount Failed.
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.727] vmnt | ERR |Value "TYPE" not found in probe.
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.727] vmnt | >> |Failed to get filesystem of device [/dev/veeamimage0].
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.727] vmnt | >> |--tr:Mounting device [/dev/veeamimage0] on mount point [/tmp/{213ceac1-20b8-461a-9071-557c8b30b3c5}/] failed.
[05.02.2021 20:40:36.727] vmnt | >> |An exception was thrown from thread [140555454233536].
These messages appear several times during the backup process. The system seems to wait 10-30 minutes after each error before it moves on to the next device (/dev/veeamimage[0 through 5]). Maybe this is some kind of timeout? The system appears completely idle during these periods.
Eventually, the backup does finish successfully according to the B&R server. But the backup process takes much longer than it should, and it's sitting idle most of the time.
It appears to me that the system is trying to mount devices that are not mountable.
Here's the output from lsblk that might be of interest. These veeamimage devices are listed after my four sd[a-d] devices:
Code: Select all
veeamimage0 253:0 1 1M 0 disk
veeamimage1 253:1 1 1023M 0 disk
veeamimage2 253:2 1 1M 0 disk
veeamimage3 253:3 1 7.3T 0 disk
veeamimage4 253:4 1 1M 0 disk
veeamimage5 253:5 1 1M 0 disk
Does anyone know if these veeammount errors are normal? Or should I be looking elsewhere for troubleshooting the backup delays?
Thank you very much for any thoughts.